This directory contains the models that implement First Person Action Recognition using a Resnet34 + CAM and a convLSTM module as a spatial attention network, paired with a temporal network, again a Resnet34, that takes optical flows as an input to extract temporal features. Much of this work is based on the paper: "Swathikiran Sudhakaran and Oswald Lanz. Attention is all we need: Nailing down object-centric attention for egocentric activity recognition. In British Machine Vision Conference, 2018" as also the code.
Models :
- : contains the implementation of the resnet34
- : implementation of a convLSTM cell
- : expands the 2 implementation of resnet and convLSTM in the previous files introducing the CAM mechanism paired with the convLSTM module, with a downstream classifier
- : implements resnet34 to extract temporal features from optical flow data
- : paires together the spatial and temporal networks
- : implementation of several of pytorch's transformation, optimized to work with both rgb and optical flow frames
- : to ease the access to the GTEA61 dataset in every possible way. Contains one class to get the rgb frames, one for the optical flow framses, and one that is a wrapper of the other 2, to get them both
- train_pipeline.ipynb : jupyter notebook with all the training steps. Stage 1) training of the convLSTM module and its downstream classifier Stage 2) train the convLSTM, the classifier and the CAM layer altogether Stage 3) separate training of the temporal network, flow_resnet Stage 4) Joint fine-tuning of the 2 networks