A Dynamic polling website with cool UI.
- General Info
- Purpose of Project
- Techstack
- How to use
This project is basically used for creating surveys or polls. POLLING WEBSITE It has features like login , logout ,feedback , poll , poll representation through graph , display of poll result(count).
A website for on-the-spot feedback.Online polls let you check in with your audience or customers any time,know their opinions by polling. With instant access to poll results,you can get a deeper understanding of the people and take action or Come to conclusions of various surveys based on their opinions ,preferences and input.
- For the frontend purpose - HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , JQuery are used for creating a user friendly website.
- For the backend and functioning of website - Javascript and Firebase are used.
- CanvaJS API for making charts.
User can get access to the website by the Link of website given beside ( on the right side ).