Releases: Esri/dynamic-situational-awareness-qt
Releases · Esri/dynamic-situational-awareness-qt
DSA v1.1.8
- Update ArcGIS Runtime dependency to 100.15.0
- Updated code to remove all deprecated functionality
DSA v1.1.7
- Update links within docs/ to direct to new pages
DSA v1.1.6
- Minumum Runtime Qt SDK version is 100.10.
- Minimum Qt SDK version is Qt 5.15.1.
- DSA now running on the new toolkit architecture.
- Fixed bug where Markups were no longer shared.
DSA v1.1.5
An "InitialLocation" config is now written out to file. This parameter is updated whenver the scene is changed (e.g. loaded from an MSPK.) This property can be used to override the startup location of the camera when the app first loads.
DSA v1.1.4
- Minumum Runtime Qt SDK version is 100.9.
- Minimum Qt SDK version is Qt 5.15.0.
- Minimum Android SDK version is now 21, target SDK version is 29.
- Fixed erronious "missing file" dialog appearing on startup when opening an MSPK. This was a layer-to-json issue when saving the config.
- Reverted the "ModelSceneSymbol to PictureMarkerSymbol" change. A camera bug was was introduced because a rotation-expression can not be used in place of a heading-expression when working with an OrbitGeoElementCameraController. We will need to park this upgrade until an enhancement is exposed by ArcGISRuntime.
- Fixed bug where layers were not written out to the config when the PackageDirectory key is missing.
DSA v1.1.3
Improved documentation of DSA repo.
DSA v1.1.2
- Updated to use version 100.8 of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.
- Fixed crash on RasterCell identify.
- Minor update to qmake pro files to comply which upcoming changes for Qt 5.15 build system.
DSA v1.1.1
- Updated to use version 100.7 of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.
- QML namespaces updated from
. - Replaced deprecated use of enum
. - Replaced ModelSceneSymbol with PictureMarkerSymbol for location tracking.
- Removed deprecated "ExampleApps" icon.
- Comprehensive app documentation from the ArcGIS for Developers site.
- Added Troubleshooting section to
DSA v1.1
- Updated to use version 100.4 of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.
- Added MrSid raster layer support.
- Added KML layer support.
- Fixed issue with location display.
- The 360 viewshed now utilizes the new official runtime support.
DSA v1.0
Dynamic Situational Awareness Example App, version 1.0.