EthGlobal Hackathon Project June 24, 2022 (First Crypto Hackathon)
Title : MTA 2.0
Team Amount : 1 (solo)
**There was a discover when creating this project that ERC-20 token votes are based off of wallets that has the most volume. This can be a problem because you can have multiple wallets, and bot wallet addresses to affect the voting systems when altering the protocol. A suggestion and way to improve in this matter is to have a Proof of Humanities when tackling on this problem within cryptocurrency voting.
Idea : Decentralize MTA; Public Transportation
PowerPoint :
EtherScan Link :
Friday // Saturday // Sunday Schedule:
Django setup
Github setup
Ganache/ Link with Brownie (30 minutes)
Learn about the different stands
Work on the Website - Stack (Html, Css, JavaScript)
Created the Token (Solidity)
Create the governance for the Token
Finish the Token