The videojs-adaptv plugin is to integrate the adaptv's api with videojs.
In addition to the video.js library, you'll need two files from this project: videolist_script.js and article_videolist.css. Both are in the src/ directory
Here's an outline of what a basic ad integration might look like. It only plays a single preroll ad before each content video, but does demonstrate the interaction points offered by the plugin.
pub_name = "techopt";
techOptions = ["html5", "flash"];
var ad_configuration = {
techOrder : techOptions,
pre_roll : [{
//vadSWF: '../dist/videojs-vad.swf',
vadTimeout : -1,
vadOnTimeInterval : 1000,
vadGVolume : 0.5,
//debug: vadFlashDebug,
techs : ['flash'],
type : 'adaptv',
adaptv : {
// consult API Reference for more detailed information and character limits for key-values.
// -- Required parameters --
// parameters about the player clip view
key : 'veremediainc', // Your publisher key provided by
// -- Optional parameters --
// parameters about the player clip
id : '', // The unique identifier of the clip (limit 64 chars)
title : '', // The title of the clip
duration : '', // The duration of clip in _seconds_, if applicable
url : '', // A valid HTTP or RMTP URL for the clip (often .flv) file.
description : '', // description of clip
keywords : '', // A comma-delimited list of tags/keywords
categories : '', // A comma-delimited list of top level categories
videoPlayerId : 'player', // The id attribute of the div that contains the player
zid : '', // Name of the zone for this view. Optional.
companionId : 'adaptvcompanion', // The id attribute of the div to contain the companion ad
pageUrlOv : '', // page URL override
context : {
pub_name : pub_name
// {
// vadTimeout : -1,
// vadOnTimeInterval : 1000,
// vadGVolume : 0.5,
// techs : ['html5'],
// type : 'vast',
// vast : {
// url : vast_link
// }
// }
mid_roll : [{
//vadSWF: '../dist/videojs-vad.swf',
vadTimeout : -1,
vadOnTimeInterval : 1000,
vadGVolume : 0.5,
//debug: vadFlashDebug,
techs : ['flash'],
type : 'adaptv',
adaptv : {
// consult API Reference for more detailed information and character limits for key-values.
// -- Required parameters --
// parameters about the player clip view
key : 'veremediainc', // Your publisher key provided by
// -- Optional parameters --
// parameters about the player clip
id : '', // The unique identifier of the clip (limit 64 chars)
title : '', // The title of the clip
duration : '', // The duration of clip in _seconds_, if applicable
url : '', // A valid HTTP or RMTP URL for the clip (often .flv) file.
description : '', // description of clip
keywords : '', // A comma-delimited list of tags/keywords
categories : '', // A comma-delimited list of top level categories
videoPlayerId : 'player', // The id attribute of the div that contains the player
zid : '', // Name of the zone for this view. Optional.
companionId : 'adaptvcompanion', // The id attribute of the div to contain the companion ad
pageUrlOv : '', // page URL override
context : {
pub_name : pub_name
player_playlist = function(index, player_intern) {
console.log('video ad init');
// Dynamically add video source and poster (personal preference, not required)
src : playlist[index].src,
type : "video/mp4"
window.player = videojs("video-playlist", {
techOrder : techOptions,
controls : true,
autoplay : false,
}, function() {
player_playlist(0, this);
Your actual integration will be significantly more complex.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd com_bsvideos_tv
grunt connect:server:keepalive
- turn on the http server
navigate to http://localtest:8000/demo/test2.html
- compile your source
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