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Abdulrahman Alkhateeb abdoh-alkhateeb
A passionate, ambitious, and strong-willed computer scientist.

Freelancer Egypt

Talent talentservice129
Full Stack and DevOps Engineer

OpticEngine LLC

Hanna Erickson hannaerickson
Software Engineer


Expo expo
Expo is a free and open-source platform for making universal native apps with React that run on Android, iOS, and the web.

United States of America

Clarian 01Clarian
All things Javascript

NFTuity New York

Martin Pompéry zeitgeist

Co-Founder @sine-fdn Berlin

KJ JOSE jose2007kj

VadakkekaraApps KERALA

MERT UNER mertuner
Software Engineer

Irvine, CA

Kien kien-pham
Fullstack developer with UX/UI design skills


Clément Mihailescu clementmihailescu
Co-Founder & CEO, AlgoExpert | Ex-Google & Ex-Facebook Software Engineer


Sulaiman Saar SaarUnlimited
Python, C++, html, CSS, Blueprints in Unreal engine
Leo Wang(草鞋没号) caoxiemeihao
Looking for a job. 🧑‍💻

Hellobike Hángzhōu, China

Pedre Viljoen pedreviljoen
working remotely

@nileag Cape Town

Andrei Zgîrvaci andrei-zgirvaci
Senior React Native Developer at @callstack, creator of `expo-stable-diffusion`, I use nvim btw!

@callstack Sicily, Italy

Bucky Roberts buckyroberts

thenewboston New York, NY

Savin Vadim Savinvadim1312
Helping mobile developers build impactful app with

Netherlands, Deventer

Xiao Ling yushulx

Dynamsoft Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Cosmo Wolfe cozmo
Only by working with the computer, speaking to the computer, befriending the computer, only then may we eventually destroy the computer.

Engineering @Metronome-Industries San Francisco

Akinn Rosa akinncar
Senior Software Engineer (React Native, Expo, React, Node, Blockchain)

@ExodusMovement Brazil

Kyle Simpson getify
Kyle Simpson is a Human-Centric Technologist. He's fighting for the people behind the pixels.

Getify Solutions Austin, TX

Peter Durham peterdurham
Mathematics and Problem solving, Software Design and Development, Nature Exploration. Curious Seeker of Knowledge. Always Learning.


Brent Vatne brentvatne

@expo Vancouver, Canada

Sanket Gadge Sanket758
AI/ML Engineer

Big rattle technologies pvt ltd India

Kai Garrott garrottkai
React Native specialist


Mo Binni mobinni

Zero To Mastery Toronto, Ontario

Moaaz Sidat moaazsidat
software engineer & designer • tinkering with web3 / crypto • leading engineering @ethglobal• previously @dialoguemd @coursera @hackthenorth • CS @uWaterloo

@ethglobal Toronto, Canada

Rajdeep Saha saha-rajdeep
Pr. Containers/Serverless SA @aws | Udemy/Pluralsight author | Public speaker | YouTube Channel "Cloud With Raj"


Elior Boukhobza mallowigi

Dynamic Yield Tel Aviv, IL

Mitch Tabian mitchtabian


CJ w3cj
I'm a Software Developer, Educator and Maker. I make videos for Syntax and I stream myself teaching and coding on my Twitch and YouTube channel Coding Garden

@CodingGarden Denver, CO

AI Girls aigirlsbr
AI Girls is a female brazilian technology community that aims female protagonism in the field of artificial intelligence and data science!


Sam Roth sejr

Citadel New York, NY

Francisco Buitron buitrof
Full Stack Web Developer

Irvine, CA

Brad Traversy bradtraversy
Full stack web developer and online instructor, specializiing in mostly JS, but also write Python, PHP and some other stuff.

Traversy Media Massachusetts

Manas Sarpatwar manassarpatwar
Software Engineer @Affirm

London, United Kingdom

Isabel iarcones
CTO, investor, teacher, developer My job is to make technology do what businesses need to be successful

woowbe, Trilogy Madrid, Spain