A Message Protocol:
- a small code footprint and on-the-wire footprint
- a published-subscribe-based messaging protocol
- on top of Tcp/IP
- websocket support with mosquitto
- require a broker (e.g mosquitto,hivemq,Azure Iot Hub,....) A message bus for:
- unreliable,hight latency,low bandwidth
- payload with a plain byte array
- IANA Port:1883 and with TLS 8883
above all, it's a lightweight message queueing and transport protocol
IBM develper: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/iot/iot-mqtt-why-good-for-iot/index.html
MCXIAOKE: https://mcxiaoke.gitbooks.io/mqtt-cn/content/
Tool box:https://www.hivemq.com/mqtt-toolbox/
MQTTLens(whitch i used):MQTTLens is build on top of MQTT.js. All UI components are created with HTML and JavaScript, based on Polymer and Web Components.
- MqttServer.Console
- MqttClient.Console(unstable,easily disconnect by itself)
- MqttClient.Esp8266
- MqttServer.uwp
- MqttClient.uwp
- MqttBroker.web