This library mocks VK Connect methods from vkui-connect for developing in desktop browser
Add library to your project dependencies
npm install @vkontakte/vkui-connect-mock
yarn add @vkontakte/vkui-connect-mock
Import necessary methods from this library instead of using vkui-connect:
import VKConnect from '@vkontakte/vkui-connect-mock';
And then init VK Connect:
VKConnect.subscribe((e) => {
if (e.detail.type === 'VKWebAppGetUserInfoResult') {
// do something
VKConnect.send('VKWebAppGetUserInfo', {});
More documentation regarding VK Connect is here.
There are getter and setter for mocked data of each method.
For example, you want to change response of VKWebAppGetUserInfo
import { response as res } from '@vkontakte/vkui-connect-mock'; = {
type: 'VKWebAppGetUserInfoResult',
data: {
photo_100: '',
photo_200: '',
first_name: 'Friedrich',
last_name: 'Engels',
sex: 0,
city: {
id: 1,
title: 'London',
country: {
id: 1,
title: 'UK'
timezone: 0
You can find more information about methods responses here.
- VKWebAppInit
- VKWebAppGetAuthToken
- VKWebAppCallAPIMethod
- VKWebAppGetGeodata
- VKWebAppGetUserInfo
- VKWebAppGetPhoneNumber
- VKWebAppGetClientVersion
- VKWebAppGetEmail
- VKWebAppOpenPayForm
- VKWebAppShare
- VKWebAppAllowNotifications
- VKWebAppDenyNotifications
- VKWebAppShowWallPostBox
- VKWebAppSetLocation
- VKWebAppAllowMessagesFromGroup
- VKWebAppJoinGroup
npm run clean
- Removelib/
directorynpm run lint
- Run ESlint with airbnb-confignpm run build
- Babel will transpile ES6 => ES5 and minify the code.npm run prepublish
- Hook for npm. Do all the checks before publishing your module.