Hi there! This is the part of my website with all of my JavaScript projects! Some of them are listed below:
Scratch API This was something I made to try out jQuery. It gets the data of a specified user from Lefty's API.
Find and Replace A simple find and replace javscript app I made.
Email verify A simple thing I made to verify that emails are actually possible emails.
Some buttons I made that are super fun to click. Seriously. Test them out, it's super fun to click them, especially super fast lol
A cool HTML parser This parses HTML and you can also put inline styles and inline code! (It also keeps it when reloading using localstorage)
Note-Taker A note-taking web app I made that stores your notes in cookies
Random background generator This generates random background images using unsplash images' API.
A Clock A cool JS clock that I made. (My first JS project)
Input styling test A Test for some nice input styles.
BBCode parser! This was hard to make.
Hi there! Welcome to my projects directory! Here I list all my projects along with the links! I'll do my best to keep this updated! :)
A gooey text effect using SVG filters on canvas.
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/gmb05 Project link: https://gmb05.csb.app
A fun water fountain to splash your mouse in!
Project link: https://3pch1.csb.app Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/3pch1
When you draw, your drawings will drip away!
Project link: https://x2d6s.csb.app/ Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/x2d6s
An experiment using mouse velocities to set the particle velocities, creating for a very interesting effect!
Project link: https://gomot.csb.app/ Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/gomot/
A super cool project using canvas' getImageData
to scan text, then creating particles to form that text and having those interact with the mouse and each other.
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/competent-galileo-o3dgp Project link: https://o3dgp.csb.app
A satisfying particles effect I made for fun.
Code link: https://replit.com/@ExplosionScratc/Sci-fi-canvas-particles-effect Project link: https://sci-fi-canvas-particles-effect.explosionscratc.repl.co/
Using canvas' getImageData
method, I get the pixels of the image, then I set particles color based on that. Making a super cool end result!
Code link: https://replit.com/@ExplosionScratc/canvas-particles Project link: https://canvas-particles.explosionscratc.repl.co
Random particles effect I did as an experiment, interesting 'physics' Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/epicness-yrr5v Project link: https://yrr5v.csb.app
A URL shortener I made that doesn't track, supports custom ID's, and is super fast and user friendly! Made in Node.js, Vue.js and tailwind.css
Code link: https://slight.gq/__repl Project link: https://slight.gq
Creating a bookmarklet no longer requires coding knowledge! Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/competent-snowflake-qzlxp?file=/script.js Project link: https://qzlxp.csb.app
Bijou.js β A comprehensive library of JavaScript snippets, super easy to use and super helpful! π
A comprehensive alert and prompt engine that looks amazing! Easy to use, supports callbacks, promises and more!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/popup-modal-with-prompt-trqhj
Project link: https://trqhj.csb.app
An easy way to send me an email using EmailJS! It works really well! ππ»
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/send-me-an-email-working-v3j0b
Project link: https://v3j0b.csb.app
A super simple screen recorder supporting recording a tab, window, or even your whole desktop!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/screen-recorder-wjon6
Project link: https://wjon6.csb.app/
A super cool mousemove effect using canvas!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/mouse-effect-particles-7snyo
Project link: https://7snyo.csb.app
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/fpek0 Project link: https://fpek0.csb.app/
This converts an image into a searchable PDF using Tesseract.js!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/ocr-uoji2
Project link: https://uoji2.csb.app
An easy to use notes app supporting markdown, code snippets, public and private notes, user profiles and more! Link: https://notes.explosionscratc.repl.co Code: https://notes.explosionscratc.repl.co/__repl
A google-like search engine that uses a backend nodejs server to get "Did you mean" suggestions, search results, definitions of words, and quick answers to questions. Works without reloading the page every time, and unlike google, is completely anonymous and free. No advertisements, tracking, but I did add some beautiful graphics!
Project link: https://google.explosionscratc.repl.co Code link: https://google.explosionscratc.repl.co/__repl
I made a website that uses discord.js through a bot to send messages to my discord server. It supports channel selection, markdown, images and much more!
Link: https://discordunblock.explosionscratc.repl.co/ Code: https://discordunblock.explosionscratc.repl.co/__repl NOTE: You need to know the password to use it, so you can't use it rn, sorry. Email me if you want to use it.
This is a comprehensive grammar checker supporting passive language, hard to read sentences, dictionary lookup of words and more! Try it out!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/grammar-checker-working-dwvzq
Project link: https://dwvzq.csb.app
An easy to use API for translating text, detecting its language and more! Supports translation to and from every language! I also made bookmarklets to use it with Duolingo to get the answer right just by clicking it! Email me if you want them! (explosionscratch@gmail.com). Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/translate-api-t6iuc Project link: https://t6iuc.sse.codesandbox.io?q=Bonjour&to=Spanish (This link will translate "Bonjour" (Hello in French) to Spanish)
This beautifies many code languages and gives a nice, simple output!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/code-prettier-049x8
Project link: https://049x8.csb.app
Collaborative rich text editor using Socket.io
This is a rich text editor supporting collaboration! It uses Socket.io as the framework for this! Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/collab-text-editor-working-d7qk7 Project link: https://d7qk7.csb.app
Simply redirects you to the oldest, most relevant scratch forum topic! (https://ngzq0.sse.codesandbox.io?q=Cloud%20Variables)
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/scratch-duplicate-redirect-tool-ngzq0
Project link: https://ngzq0.sse.codesandbox.io/
Supports downloading any video on YouTube at any resolution or filetype! This is my most popular project as of writing and has ~480 views!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/youtube-4n8hm
Project link: https://4n8hm.csb.app
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/gallant-golick-zru1d
Project link: https://zru1d.csb.app
A beautiful calculator I made with the help of a YouTube tutorial, it works smoothly, and amazingly! It is one of the few coding projects that I actually use regularly!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/calculator-jqigu
Project link: https://jqigu.csb.app
A slick loading animation that I made with CSS ::before and ::after elements!
Code link: https://codesandbox.io/s/loading-thing-ek1di
Project link: https://ek1di.csb.app