POC detecting c/cpp function being detoured using a cpp module by checking the address of the function
Execute the file, it will generate a file in data/ with a populated database, it only checks the function from _G, detect the "lower" function, decides it's the offset and then generate the database out of it.
Then you can use the generated file to check if any cpp function was detoured.
Obviously, it's reboot/changelevel proof, that's the whole point of detecting the offset, eh.
The built DB is probably not exportable to another os/build target
What it's not doing :
Detecting lua detours (that's easy to do)
Detecting backdoors
Detecting detours of tostring, even if i can use other ways of getting the address
it should generate this kind of file :
local g_funcs = {
SetPhysConstraintSystem = 110328,
SetGlobalVar = 110992,
LerpVector = 114072,
DeriveGamemode = 109976,
Error = 106728,
SetGlobal2Var = 113232,
OrderVectors = 114000,
isentity = 108352,
GetGlobalString = 112072,
SetGlobalInt = 111136,
RealTime = 109112,
ProtectedCall = 109840,
ismatrix = 108480,
DebugInfo = 106480,
RunString = 107608,
ispanel = 108416,
GetGlobal2Entity = 113160,
isstring = 107968,
EffectData = 110864,
isfunction = 108288,
GetGlobal2Int = 112296,
ParticleEffectAttach = 109536,
LerpAngle = 110608,
SysTime = 107344,
Vector = 113936,
HSVToColor = 107480,
isvector = 108096,
Msg = 106544,
SetGlobal2Entity = 113088,
GetGlobalAngle = 111856,
PrintMessage = 110408,
CreatePhysCollideBox = 113440,
SetGlobal2Int = 112224,
CompileString = 107736,
GetHostName = 113376,
GetGlobalEntity = 112000,
GetGlobalVector = 111784,
AddOriginToPVS = 108760,
Entity = 110672,
IsFirstTimePredicted = 109240,
BroadcastLua = 110120,
SetGlobalAngle = 111352,
GetGlobal2Var = 113304,
Player = 113600,
GetGlobalBool = 111928,
IsEntity = 110192,
type = 107872,
SetGlobalEntity = 111424,
MsgN = 106664,
ErrorNoHalt = 106792,
Path = 114136,
CreateConVar = 107064,
isangle = 108160,
include = 106856,
Matrix = 110800,
GetConVar_Internal = 107136,
RunStringEx = 107672,
RecipientFilter = 114200,
isnumber = 108032,
SetGlobal2Angle = 112944,
CurTime = 109048,
AddConsoleCommand = 110256,
TypeID = 109776,
GetGlobal2Angle = 113016,
ConVarExists = 106920,
GetGlobal2String = 112728,
PrecacheParticleSystem = 109384,
isbool = 108224,
GetGlobalFloat = 111640,
HTTP = 109912,
MsgC = 106600,
DropEntityIfHeld = 108688,
PrecacheScene = 108832,
SuppressHostEvents = 108904,
UnPredictedCurTime = 108976,
FrameTime = 109176,
GetGlobal2Bool = 112584,
CompileFile = 109320,
ParticleEffect = 109464,
RunConsoleCommand = 107272,
SetGlobalString = 111064,
LocalToWorld = 108544,
CreatePhysCollidesFromModel = 113520,
PrecacheSentenceFile = 109616,
PrecacheSentenceGroup = 109696,
ColorToHSV = 107544,
ServerLog = 106416,
istable = 107904,
SetGlobal2Bool = 112512,
MsgAll = 110480,
AddCSLuaFile = 110048,
GetGlobalVar = 111568,
GetGlobal2Float = 112440,
EmitSound = 113872,
VC = 107608,
DamageInfo = 110928,
SetGlobalFloat = 111208,
SetGlobalBool = 111496,
FindMetaTable = 106992,
EmitSentence = 113800,
BuildNetworkedVarsTable = 112144,
SetGlobal2Float = 112368,
CreateSound = 113664,
GetGlobal2Vector = 112872,
VGUIFrameTime = 107408,
GetGlobalInt = 111712,
module = 0,
WorldToLocal = 108616,
Angle = 110544,
SetGlobal2String = 112656,
SetGlobal2Vector = 112800,
require = 107808,
SetGlobalVector = 111280,
SoundDuration = 11728,
local func_comparer = nil; -- function in the _G
local lfunccomp_addr = 0; -- function addr saved in the table
for k, v in pairs(g_funcs) do -- find the first func that isn't the lower possible
if v != 0 then
func_comparer = _G[k]
local str = tostring(func_comparer)
lfunccomp_addr = tonumber(string.Right(str, string.len(str) - 10))
DETECTED_OFFSET =lfunccomp_addr-v
if func_comparer == nil then error("wtf, no function found") end
print("Checking for integrity ...")
for l_funcname, l_funcaddr in pairs(g_funcs) do
local g_realfunc = _G[l_funcname]
local str_g_addr = tostring(g_realfunc)
local g_funcaddr = tonumber(string.Right(str_g_addr, string.len(str_g_addr) - 10))
if (g_funcaddr-l_funcaddr != DETECTED_OFFSET) then -- the offset should be constant
MsgC(Color(255,50,50), Format("FUNCTION %s ISNT AT THE RIGHT ADDRESS\n", l_funcname))