Knowledge bases must be deployed in a specific folder :
This folder contains all Knowledge bases in the specified language.
Specified images for your knowledge base must be deployed in a specific folder, the folder name must contains the date of publication and your knowledge base name in a specific format :
To use an image in your knowledge base you must specify an absolute path.
The file name must contains the date of publication and your knowledge base name in a specific format :
Example with path : /_posts/kb/en/2020-04-08-how_to_create_a_kb.md
The header of the file contains specific keys :
- "layout" must be set to "post".
- "title" will display the desired title .
- "desc" will display a short description in the knowledge bases list.
- "ref" do the link between languages, it must be the same in all languages.
- "categories" must be set to "kb".
- "lang" will set the desired language.
- "permalink" must be set following the format
Then we can put the content in the file.
Basic structure example :
layout: post
title: "<KnowledgeBaseTitle>"
desc: "<KnowledgeBaseDescription>"
ref: kb-<KnowledgeBaseReference>
categories: kb
lang: <lang>
permalink: /<lang>/kb/:title
- Example in english :
--- layout: post title: "How to create a Knowledge Base" desc: "This Knowledge Base explain his own creation" ref: kb-howtokb categories: kb lang: en permalink: /en/kb/:title --- # Knowledge bases ## Create a knowledge base ... ...
- Example in french :
--- layout: post title: "Comment créer une Base de connaissance" desc: "Cette Base de connaissance explique sa propre création" ref: kb-howtokb categories: kb lang: fr permalink: /fr/kb/:title --- # Bases de connaissances ## Créer une base de connaissance ... ...
Thanks to all contributors !