A modular service to automatically populate schedules.
The services uses AWS DynamoDB as database store. To run AWS DynamoDB locally you need Docker installed.
npm install
npm run build
Start a local instance of DynamoDB with this command:
docker run --rm -p 5050:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
Start the schedule service
DB=dynamodb://localhost:5050/eu-north-1 npm start
Generate channels using the Eyevinn FAST Engine container.
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 \
-e FAST_PLUGIN=ScheduleService \
-e SCHEDULE_SERVICE_API_URL=http://host.docker.internal:8080/api/v1 \
Then you have the channels available at http://localhost:8000/channels/<channelId>/master.m3u8
or address your browser to the multiview page at http://localhost:8001/
Run schedule service and dynamodb container locally
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=null AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=null docker-compose up
Once up and running the service is by default available on port 8080
unless otherwise specified. Access the API documentation at http://localhost:8080/api/docs/
(when running locally).
/api/docs/ |
GET | API documentation (Swagger) |
/api/v1/channels |
GET | List available channels |
/api/v1/channels |
POST | Create a new channel |
/api/v1/channels/{channelId} |
DELETE | Remove a channel |
/api/v1/channels/{channelId}/schedule |
GET | Obtain the schedule for a channel |
curl -v http://localhost:8080/api/v1/channels/eyevinn/schedule?date=2021-10-21
"id": "e30d8b8b-cd07-4319-8bbc-a16de193697b",
"channelId": "eyevinn",
"title": "BAAHUBALI_3_Trailer_2021",
"start_time": 1634844294614,
"end_time": 1634844478614,
"start": "2021-10-21T19:24:54.614Z",
"end": "2021-10-21T19:27:58.614Z",
"url": "http://lambda.eyevinn.technology/stitch/master.m3u8?payload=eyJ1cmkiOiJodHRwczovL2xhYi5jZG4uZXlldmlubi50ZWNobm9sb2d5L0JBQUhVQkFMSV8zX1RyYWlsZXJfMjAyMS5tcDQvbWFuaWZlc3QubTN1OCIsImJyZWFrcyI6W3sicG9zIjowLCJkdXJhdGlvbiI6MTA1MDAwLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL21haXR2LXZvZC5sYWIuZXlldmlubi50ZWNobm9sb2d5L1ZJTk4ubXA0L21hc3Rlci5tM3U4In1dfQ==",
"duration": 184
"id": "c3ddfa54-89d3-4842-be2b-4b818ace2f14",
"channelId": "eyevinn",
"title": "OWL_MVP_2021",
"start_time": 1634844982614,
"end_time": 1634845220614,
"start": "2021-10-21T19:36:22.614Z",
"end": "2021-10-21T19:40:20.614Z",
"url": "http://lambda.eyevinn.technology/stitch/master.m3u8?payload=eyJ1cmkiOiJodHRwczovL2xhYi5jZG4uZXlldmlubi50ZWNobm9sb2d5L09XTF9NVlBfMjAyMS5tcDQvbWFuaWZlc3QubTN1OCIsImJyZWFrcyI6W3sicG9zIjowLCJkdXJhdGlvbiI6MTA1MDAwLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL21haXR2LXZvZC5sYWIuZXlldmlubi50ZWNobm9sb2d5L1ZJTk4ubXA0L21hc3Rlci5tM3U4In1dfQ==",
"duration": 238
The MRSS auto scheduler automatically adds new schedule events on a channel based on the contents of an MRSS feed. The content is randomly chosen and added to the channel's schedule.
/api/v1/auto/mrss |
GET | List of running MRSS schedulers |
/api/v1/auto/mrss |
POST | Add a new MRSS scheduler (channel must exist) |
/api/v1/auto/mrss |
DELETE | Remove an MRSS scheduler but keeping the channel |
curl -v http://localhost:8080/api/v1/mrss
"id": "eyevinn",
"tenant": "demo",
"url": "https://testcontent.mrss.eyevinn.technology/eyevinn.mrss?preroll=true",
"channelId": "eyevinn"
The Playlist auto scheduler automatically adds new schedule events on a channel based on the contents of a playlist text file. The playlist text file contains a list of URLs to HLS VODs where each URL is on a single line. The content is added in the order of the playlist and when end of the playlist is reached it starts from the top again.
/api/v1/auto/playlist |
GET | List of running Playlist schedulers |
/api/v1/auto/playlist |
POST | Add a new Playlist scheduler (channel must exist) |
/api/v1/auto/playlist |
DELETE | Remove an Playlist scheduler but keeping the channel |
Join our community on Slack where you can post any questions regarding any of our open source projects. Eyevinn's consulting business can also offer you:
- Further development of this component
- Customization and integration of this component into your platform
- Support and maintenance agreement
Contact sales@eyevinn.se if you are interested.
Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor. As our way to innovate and push the industry forward we develop proof-of-concepts and tools. The things we learn and the code we write we share with the industry in blogs and by open sourcing the code we have written.
Want to know more about Eyevinn and how it is to work here. Contact us at work@eyevinn.se!