Getting started with this project template. After this you should have the project up-and-running on a Digital Ocean droplet server.
Droplet server setup:
- Create account on DigitalOcean -- Use referral...
- Create or use existing SSH key (no passphrase)
- Create droplet (512mb, Ubuntu 14.04)
- Log into droplet via ssh
ssh root@<ipaddress>
- Follow instructions Ubuntu Linux Setup or run script (untested).
When installing docker, use curl -ssL option
To establish ssh link (selecting SSH key did not work for me):
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@<ipaddress> "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Docker setup and installation
- MacOsX/Windows - install boot2docker. Follow online instructions.
- Remember - docker only works in boot2docker console unless you add DOCKER… environment variables.
- Create account on, refers to docker username
- fork this project - clone fork to src/ruprojects/tictactoe directory, or where ever you keep your project sources.
- ensure you have latest node/npm
- edit
- line “docker build -t gulli/tictactoe ./dist/“
- change gulli to
- make sure docker is running (boot2docker)
- run
- run
docker push <yourname>/tictactoe"
On Digital Ocean server (production)
docker run -p 80:8080 -d -e "NODE_ENV=production" <yourname>/tictactoe
Navigate to http://yourServerIpAddress and you should have yeoman landing page.
- Can update latest version in production by push of a button
Including changes to data structure.
Can get feedback on failing tests and diagnostics
Commit stage / continuous integration.
Can play tic-tac-toe against another user
Implement using TDD Acceptance TDD Controller TDD DOM - TicTacToe directive with TDD Server side, API TDD
- Can play-back any given game to see how it was played
Use event sourcing - record every user interaction
- Can get an email when I win a match
Implement an acceptance test, using test double to simulate email sending
- Can downgrade to selected version by push of a button
Implement rollback, including down migrations
- Can playback old games after data structure has changed
Database migration
- Can see how many users played Tic-Tac-Toe in a given period
Metrics and monitoring
- Can know how many users our application supports on given hardware
Automated capacity testing
- Can be sure that latest version in production supports happy path after upgrade
Acceptance test through UI Acceptance test through API
- Can update to latest version with zero downtime
Blue/Green deployment and testing
- Can be sure that deployment is not continued if key resources are missing
Env smoke tests Auto rollback
- Can be sure that deployment is not continued if configuration parameter is not set
Env smoke tests Auto rollback
- Can continue playing even if the whole world is playing back games
CQRS - separate deployment for playback
=== More stories for consideration
- Can provision a new environment in cloud (Digital Ocean) with minimal input. Script server provisioning. Droplet API