I am a fancier of Sublime Text and Vim, my setups are respectively here and there. I have experience with JetBrains IDEs and currently use NvChad ordinarily. Occasionally, VSCode via GitHub Codespace is my secondary choice when my device is unavailable.
For version control, I use Git CLI or Sublime Merge depending on the situation.
I have experience with Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu. Furthermore, I stayed on each of them for at least three years.
I set my sights on mastering advanced Rust and discovering new frameworks for other languages.
Being an old member of the PocketMine-MP community,
I am highly active on its Discord Server.
is my Discord tag.
I tend to be apathetic towards other social networking platforms. If you wish to enquire further, please email me at endermanbugzjfc@gmail.com. It might take a while for me to catch the information, therefore I appreciate your patience.