##Intro - Zooey show README why, what, how How did you split up the work? How did you choose to pair?
##Show your use of Github - Joey commit history PR history
##Walk through the UX - Lucy i.e. demo your website
##Walk through the code ###HTML structure - Lucy ###Flexbox - Joey ###Responsiveness - Joey ###Acccessibility - Zooey ###Images and form - Piotr ###Scroll feature - Piotr ###Javascript problem - Lucy
To showcase JZLP, a team of developers who understand, communicate and deliver.
A one-page portfolio site that provides an overview of JZLP, including an about us section, team member profiles and a contact page.
- set up github repo and gitter channel
- group wireframe of web app
- decided to go mobile first in terms of design
- ran through user stories to check that our plan fitted these
- decided to use formspree.io for form
- looking at colorsafe to make sure we fulfil partially sighted readers needs
- straight up semantic html to aid accessability. no divs.
- use aria landmarks as well as html5 elements to ensure accessability
- set autocomplete tags to complete forms
- make sure all is tabbable
- do we need any javascript?
- hopefully not
- Day one target: have a basic web app with placeholders by the end of today
html structure assigned to Piotr and Lucy
work out host on github pages
inital design (enhanced wireframe) assigned to Joey and Zooey
Ensure site works with Chrome Vox --> accessible, tabbable and chrome vox accessibility, tabbable and nav with arrow keys
convert profile photos to painting BeFunky Online Photo Editor
optimise rendering of images
- Reduced file size of profile images (11MB -> 70K) by resizing and optimising.
- Saved JPEGs as progressive images rather than baseline images. Baseline images are the "normal" JPEGs, the type of JPEG that all image programs write by default. The browsers load them top-to-bottom as more of the image information is being downloaded. Progressive JPEGs are another type of JPEGs, they are rendered progressively. First you see a low quality version of the whole image. Then, as more of the image information arrives over the network, the quality gradually improves.
- GIMP - How to save in progressive / baseline mode - Youtube
- Photoshop - How to save in progressive / baseline mode
- Progressive vs Baseline - Demo Image - Youtube
- Progressive vs Baseling - Demo Page - Youtube
- Book of Speed - Chapter 5 Optimizing Images - Stoyan Stefanov
- Progressive jpegs: a new best practice
- The return of the progressive JPEG
expand "team" member sections on hover -
Scroll to section (can it be done with css? go with js if needed)
// Find elements in DOM
var linksDOM = document.querySelectorAll('.js-nav-link');
// Scroll to target function
var totalScrollDuration = 600;
var numberOfScrolls = 60;
var singleScrollDuration = totalScrollDuration / numberOfScrolls;
function scrollTo(targetElementPosition, scrollDuration) {
if (scrollDuration <= 0) { return; }
var distanceToTarget = targetElementPosition - getScrollPosition();
var singleScrollDistance = distanceToTarget / scrollDuration * singleScrollDuration;
setTimeout(function() {
var scrolledElement = document.body; // chrome safari
var positionBeforeScroll = getScrollPosition();
scrolledElement.scrollTop = positionBeforeScroll + singleScrollDistance;
if (document.documentElement.scrollTop === positionBeforeScroll) {
scrolledElement = document.documentElement; // firefox
scrolledElement.scrollTop = getScrollPosition() + singleScrollDistance;
if (scrolledElement.scrollTop === targetElementPosition) { return; }
scrollTo(targetElementPosition, scrollDuration - singleScrollDuration);
}, singleScrollDuration);
function getScrollPosition() {
return document.body.scrollTop ||
document.documentElement.scrollTop ||
window.pageYOffset ||
// Add event listeners
linksDOM.forEach(function(link) {
link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var targetId = event.target.innerText; // assumes that inner text will be the same as target id
var targetPosition = document.getElementById(targetId).offsetTop;
scrollTo(targetPosition, totalScrollDuration);
- improve security of form submission
- make each section fill screen
We want you to work together over the next few days to build a small site from scratch that provides a short portfolio for you and your team.
To describe what features should be implemented, these are the user stories that should be satisfied;
As a client looking to hire a team of developers
I want to visit your site and immediately see a headline about your team
So that I get a concise description of what you have to offer me.
As a client looking to hire a team of developers
I want to visit your site and see a navigation link for 'About, Team, and Contact'
so I can quickly navigate to the areas of the site I'd like to visit.
As a client looking to hire a team of developers
I want to be able to contact the developers by filling out and submitting a form by providing my name, email and message information
So that the team have sufficient information to contact me afterwards
As a client looking to hire a team of developers
I want to click on a navigation link and a corresponding section be made visible in the browser window on the same page
So that I can quickly navigate around the site without having to wait for new pages to be loaded.
As a client looking to hire a team of developers
I want to easily view the site when browsing on my mobile, tablet or desktop
so that I can understand the sites content easily on whatever device I choose to view it in.
As a visually impaired client...
I would like to easily read and understand the text on your site
so I can understand the information available
As a blind client...
I would like to easily understand how to navigate the site after my screen reader reads me the content of the site
so I can understand the information available.
As a client with JavaScript disabled in their browser for security reasons
I would like to visit your site and get a similar experience to viewing your site on a modern browser with JavaScript enabled
so that I don't feel like I'm completely in the stone age.