App to search about songs and artists, seraching by name of song or artist .
- As a user I want to search for a artist name, the user will see the name of artist, his img and albums.
- As a user I want to search for a song name, the user will see the name of artist,img for the artist, link to the song and album.
- As a user I want to search for an album name, the user will see the name of album, artist name and img artist.
- As a user I want to add a song with artist name and the related album and recive a message with Done .
Website Link:Music DB
- App Architecture
- file Structure
- public
- index.html
- style.css
- assets folder for images
- src
- server.js
- router.js
- handler.js
- tests
- test.js
- database
- db_build.sql
- db_connection.js
- db_build.js
- queries
- getData.js
- setData.js
- package.json
- public
- git clone this repo (
- Open your command line.
- Put in terminal : npm install .
- create database **CREATE DATABASE ; **
- create uesrname and password CREATE USER ;
- make config.env file and put DATABASE_URL= postgres://uesrname:password@localhost:5432/dbname
- Put in terminal : node database/db_build.js.
- Then put in terminal : npm run dev to run the server.
- Open your browser and put in terminal: localhost:3003.
- Hadeel Slamin
- Aman Shawar
- Sama' Amro