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Contribution Guidelines

Michel Jung edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 2 revisions

Quality has highest priority

You are not your code


Write readable code

Developers spend about 25% writing code, but 75% reading it. Writing readable code saves a lot of time.

  • Keep the coding style consistent
  • Prefer longer, unambiguous names over short but ambiguous ones
  • Prefer slower but easily readable code over short/fast but hard to read code (if it doesn't noticeable affect performance)
  • Even small things matter; If a character (e.g. whitespace) is superfluous, remove it, if it is missing, add it.

Avoid JavaDoc and comments

Yes, I said avoid them. Despite what is commonly thought, comments are bad practice. See examples here.

But know when to ignore this rule.

Choose quality over quantity

While quick and dirty implementations may save time in the short run, they will cost more in the long run.

  • "Quick and dirty" is almost never an option, there is only "clean and solid"
  • Always mark temporary or unfinished solutions using either TODO or FIXME with an explaining comment
    • Use FIXME for code that is wrong or missing
    • Use TODO for code that works, but needs to be improved

Adding features

  1. Make sure there is an issue on GitHub
  2. Create a new branch for the feature, based on latest develop. Name it feature/#00-some-keywords where 00 is the issue ID and some-keywords are keywords that �outline the issue. Example: feature/#23-auto-update
  3. Always include the issue ID in a commit comment, e. g. #23 implemented update task

Definition of done (DOD)

To be considered as "done", a feature must:

  • Approach 100% test coverage (line & branch)
  • Be reviewed by another contributor
  • Be ready to be merged into develop


  • Always use SLF4J logger (copy from existing classes)
  • Never use System.out
  • Put interesting information in front, additional information at the end
  • Put values either in single quotes or after colons. Example: User '{}' sent message: {}
  • Always log exceptions if they aren't rethrown.
Log level When to use When not to use Example
TRACE Information that is low-level and only of interest during development. Any other purpose Network traffic, Received 512 bytes from FA, Creating directory xxx
DEBUG Information that is interesting for developers. Use for repeating things. Any other purpose Received game info from server: GameInfo{uid=3876249, title='All welcome!!!', state=OPEN}
INFO Events that are interesting for system administrators. For repeating or low-level things Connected to server at
WARN Events that need attention but don't lead to malfunction Any other purpose Could not connect to
ERROR If, and only if, something is unexpected, unrecoverable or leads to data loss or malfunction Things that are recoverable Cannot read client.prefs