BALM 2.0 is a basic and simple system to use bundle adjustment (BA) in lidar mapping. It includes three experiments in the paper. We try to keep the code as concise as possible, to avoid confusing the readers. It is notable that this package does not include the application experiments, which will be open-sourced in other projects. The paper is available on Arxiv and more experiments details can be found in the video.
Related papers:
Efficient and Consistent Bundle Adjustment on Lidar Point Clouds
BALM: Bundle Adjustment for Lidar Mapping
Ubuntu 64-bit 20.04. ROS Installation. (Noetic recommended)
Follow PCL Installation (1.10 recommended)
Follow Eigen Installation (3.3.7 recommended)
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Note: Before compilation, the file folder "BALM-old" had better be deleted if you do not require BALM1.0, or removed to other irrelevant path.
roslaunch balm2 consistency.launch
roslaunch balm2 benchmark_virtual.launch
roslaunch balm2 benchmark_realworld.launch
Due to the file size, other dataset will be uploaded to one drive later.
- Lidar-Inertial odometry with sliding window optimization: The codes will be open-sourced in the next work.
- Multiple-Lidar calibration: More details can be seen here.
- Global BA on large-scale dataset: More details can be seen here.
In the development of this package, we refer to FAST-LIO2, Hilti, VIRAL and UrbanLoco for source codes or datasets.