This is where I store my mini projects written in Python.
- Bookshop_database - simple database for a virtual library.
- Coronavirus heatmap - queries latest results of the coronavirus world distribution from the web and presents the statistics on a world map.
- Database webapp - running a database on a website, querying input from the user, reprocessing the input and sending the user an email with the reprocessed information.
- English thesaurus - english dictionary querying the results from a MySQL database and detecting typos and giving suggestions to user's input.
- Financial data visualization - queries latest 3mo Market values of Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft from the web and plots them on a candlestick chart on a website
- Webcam motion detector - detects webcam movements and stores the information about the start and end time of the motions.
Once you have successfully installed Bazel you can run the code using:
bazel run //bookshop_database
bazel run //coronavirus_heatmap -- -o OUTPUT_PATH
bazel run //database_webapp
bazel run //english_thesaurus:english_thesaurus
bazel run //english_thesaurus:english_dictionary
bazel run //financial_data_visualization
bazel run //webcam_motion_detector
You can use my following Docker image to instantiate a container locally with Ubuntu and Bazel already installed:
docker run -it --rm framaxwlad/ubuntu_dev:latest
There you can simply clone the repository:
git clone
cd py_projects/
And use the aforementioned commands to run the program:
bazel run //financial_data_visualization