In the Jupyter notebooks, you will find some code examples of how to analyse data retrieved from the BIOfid semantic search portal. Remember: This is no publication ready data. Checking the respective sources given in the data is mandatory!
If you have more ideas or have any suggestions on how to improve and/or enrich the returned data, please do not hesitate to contact us: .
To setup the application, just run
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
jupyter notebook
This command should open your browser and redirect you to the local Jupyter notebook. There you can click any file ending with ".ipynb" to get into the respective notebook.i
To run the whole notebook choose Cell -> Run All in the top menu. But first, you have to set the notebook to be trusted (sorry for that!), by clicking the "Trusted" button on the top right.