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Security: FIXTradingCommunity/conga



The application uses WebSocket over TLS. The URI schema for that is "wss".

Keystore Management

The server is authenticated by a certificate.

Create a server keystore with a self-signed certificate for testing

The keytool utility is distributed with the JDK.

Default store type after Java 9 is PKCS12.


keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore selfsigned.pkcs -storepass storepassword -alias conga.server -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=Conga, O=FIXTradingCommunity" 

List contents of a keystore

keytool -list -v -keystore -storepass password -keystore selfsigned.pkcs

Import a certificate into a truststore for the client

The client stores the public certificate of the server in a truststore.

Various tools may be used to capture the public certificate from a running server, including openssl and Chrome certificate export wizard.

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias conga.server -file conga-server.cer -keystore client.pkcs -storepass storepassword

Keystores and TLS in Java

Set location and password of a truststore

Set the system properties

Debug TLS

Set the system property

There aren’t any published security advisories