We are motivated by the computational limitations of simulating interactions of particles in highly-granular detectors and trying to build fast and exact machine-learning-based shower simulators. We present here the previously investigated WGAN and BIB-AE generative models are improved and successful learning of hadronic showers initiated by charged pions in a segment of the hadronic calorimeter of the International Large Detector (ILD) is demonstrated for the first time
This repository contains ingredients for repoducing Hadrons, Better, Faster, Stronger [arXiv:2112.09709
]. A small fraction of the training data is available in Zenodo
We use iLCsoft
ecosystem which includes ddsim
and Geant4
Assuming a running Kubernetes cluster with volume attached, we clone ILDConfig
Let's go to a pod
which has our volume attached to /mnt
engin@local: ~$ rancher kubectl exec -it -n ilc ilcsoft-dev-c48b8775b-wjdm5 -- bash
## you're inside the container in k8s
bash-4.2# cd /mnt
Now we can clone the ILDConfig
repository (+ this repository!)
bash-4.2# git clone --branch v02-01-pre02 https://github.com/iLCSoft/ILDConfig.git
bash-4.2# cd ./ILDConfig/StandardConfig/production
bash-4.2# cp ./neurIPS2021_hadron/training_data/* .
For the sake of this example, now, we can start 10 simulation jobs each generating 100 events
## go back to your local
engin@local: ~$ alias render_template='python -c "from jinja2 import Template; import sys; print(Template(sys.stdin.read()).render());"'
engin@local: ~$ cat sim.jinja2 | render_template > sim_jobs.yaml
and start submitting
engin@local: ~$ rancher kubectl apply -f sim_jobs.yaml -n ilc
job.batch/pion-sim-1 created
job.batch/pion-sim-2 created
job.batch/pion-sim-3 created
job.batch/pion-sim-4 created
job.batch/pion-sim-5 created
job.batch/pion-sim-6 created
job.batch/pion-sim-7 created
job.batch/pion-sim-8 created
job.batch/pion-sim-9 created
job.batch/pion-sim-10 created
These jobs will create Linear-Collider-Input-Output (LCIO) and root files, containing all information about the event in the realistic ILD simulation.
We need to do:
- Read/stream the root files and convert all calorimeter hits into
48 x 48 x 48
numpy array. - Write these arrays into a
We have a different workflow (with different docker image) for this stage:
engin@local: ~$ cat convert_hdf5.jinja2 | render_template > convert_hdf5_jobs.yaml
engin@local: ~$ rancher kubectl apply -f convert_hdf5_jobs.yaml -n ilc
job.batch/hdf5-pions-1 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-2 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-3 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-4 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-5 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-6 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-7 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-8 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-9 created
job.batch/hdf5-pions-10 created
We further cut the size of transverse grid to 25x25
in order to avoid too low spacity. This stage is done in the data loader.
Kubeflow Pipelines are powerful. We can orchestrate simple, portable and scalable ML workflows. However, its installation process might be painful and require extra help from IT guys. Here we will create a local cluster and install Kubeflow-Pipelines
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Docker with ~10GB RAM reserved
- Helm v3.6.3
- kind
Create a local kind cluster
engin@local: ~$ kind create cluster --name kfp
it might take 1-2 minutes to spin up a local cluster.
Install Kubeflow Pipelines from GetInData's Helm Chart
engin@local: ~$ helm repo add getindata https://getindata.github.io/helm-charts/
engin@local: ~$ helm install my-kubeflow-pipelines getindata/kubeflow-pipelines \
--version 1.6.2 --set platform.managedStorage.enabled=false \
--set platform.cloud=gcp --set platform.gcp.proxyEnabled=false
Now be patient; it might take few minutes. Don't worry if you see ml-pipeline
or metadata-grpc-deployment
pods having a CrashLoopBackOff
state for some time. They will become ready once their dependent services launch.
engin@local: ~$ kubectl get pods
cache-deployer-deployment-db7bbcff5-h6vl8 1/1 Running 12 11d
cache-server-748468bbc9-cd5ls 1/1 Running 10 11d
metadata-envoy-7cd8b6db48-pdr27 1/1 Running 10 11d
metadata-grpc-deployment-7c9f96c75-c2jsj 1/1 Running 21 11d
metadata-writer-78f67c4cf9-5wdcp 1/1 Running 13 11d
minio-6d84d56659-dcdkr 1/1 Running 10 11d
ml-pipeline-8588cf6787-ht226 1/1 Running 30 11d
ml-pipeline-persistenceagent-b6f5ff9f5-pjlz9 1/1 Running 17 11d
ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow-6854cdbb8d-cdd5q 1/1 Running 10 11d
ml-pipeline-ui-cd89c5577-jrrg9 1/1 Running 10 11d
ml-pipeline-viewer-crd-6577dcfc8-zrvrg 1/1 Running 16 11d
ml-pipeline-visualizationserver-f9895dfcd-pkcr7 1/1 Running 10 11d
mysql-6989b8c6f6-mz2cl 1/1 Running 10 11d
workflow-controller-6d457d9fcf-w74q8 1/1 Running 15 11d
Now we can go ahead and access UI:
engin@local: ~$ kubectl port-forward svc/ml-pipeline-ui 9000:80
Open this browser: http://localhost:9000/#/pipelines
In order to pause the cluster
engin@local: ~$ docker ps
486ef2b14930 kindest/node:v1.21.1 "/usr/local/bin/entr…" 11 days ago Up 31 minutes>6443/tcp kfp-control-plane
engin@local: ~$ docker stop 486ef2b14930
use docker start CONTAINER ID
to start again.
Now we can compile our pipeline, defined training_data/kf_pipelines/g4hadshowers.py
engin@local: python g4hadshowers.py
this will create g4hadshowers.py.yaml
. Now you can go to UI and upload this yaml file.
Pytorch version 1.8.0
BIBAE_Train.py: Runfile for main BIBAE training
BIBAE_PP_Train.py: Runfile for main PostProcess training
Pytorch version 1.8.0
wGAN.py: Main training file for WGAN
regressor.py: Training file for energy-regressor