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Apio development environment

Zapta edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 25 revisions

Just trying the latest apio dev version

This document describes the setup of the apio development environment. However, if all you want is to try the latest apio development version you can install it directly using the commands below. Please be aware that the development version may be unstable since it's a work in progress.

A quick trial of the latest apio development package.

# Make sure your system has a recent python version installed, e.g. 
# one of the last two major release (3.12, 3.13 as of Dec 2024).
python --version

# If exists, delete the old .apio directory under the user home page. 
# On windows, delete using the Explorer window.
rm -rf ~/.apio

# Install the apio pip package (if you already have the apio repository
# on your hard drive, see the note below regarding installation from the repo).
pip install --force-reinstall -U git+ 

# You are ready to go. You can find the latest command help at 
# or use the apio's -h flag
apio -h
apio drivers ftdi -h

# Fetch a sample apio project in an empty directory. 
# For example:
apio examples fetch alhambra-ii/bcd-counter      # ICE40 
apio examples fetch colorlight-5a-75b-v8/ledon   # Lattice ECP5
apio examples fetch sipeed-tang-nano-9k/blinky   # Gowin

# Try a few commands
apio -h
apio lint
apio build
apio report
apio test
apio sim
apio clean
apio boards
apio format
apio examples list

NOTE: If you have a copy of the apio repository on your local hard drive, you can install the apio package with the repository code by typing the command below.

# In the root directory of the apio repository:
pip install --force-reinstall -e .

Setting up a basic apio development environment.

If your goal is to change and apio code and possibly sending 'pull requests' to the apio team, the instructions below will help you to setup a development environment. The development can be done on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows computers.

Fork the apio repo in your github account

Just fork the project by pressing on the fork button located in the top right corner

Clone the repo on your local computer.

Clone the forked repo in your local computer. For example, as I am the user Obijuan on github, I should type this command the command below. This will create in the current directory a new directory called apio-repo with the content of the apio repo.

git clone -b develope apio-repo

Enter the apio-repo folder

Once it is cloned, enter into the apio directory

cd apio-repo

The list of files will look similar to this:	Makefile	apio		pyproject.toml	test		test-examples
LICENSE	test-boards	tox.ini

Install apio-repo as the python apio package.

While in the apio-repo directory, run the command below to install its content as the pip apio package. This will allow you tests you make to the apio code by simply running the apio command.

NOTE: Pip is safe and will not modify the content of apio-repo, even if you will later run pip uninstall apio.

pip install --force-reinstall -U --editable .

You can verify the location of pip's apio package by typing

pip show apio

Factory reset apio's state

This step delete any left-over state and packages from previous apio installations. Simply delete the .apio directory from your user home directory on your computer.

# On linux and Mac OSX.
rm -rf ~/.apio

# On windows, delete the .apio directory using the Windows Explorer.

Install the apio packages

This will install the apio managed packages such as the YosysHQ verilog toolchain.

apio packages --install

Apio should now be ready for use, and any changes you make in the apio-repo code will be reflected when you run the apio command.

Advanced apio development environment setup (optional)

Install virtual-env

For developing apio it may be useful to use a virtual python environment, so that you are sure that there are no conflicts with the python packages in your system

You can install it very easily with these command on Linux:

sudo apt install python3-venv

Create the APIO virtual env

You should create the APIO virtual env the first time. Just type this command

python3 -m venv venv 

It will create the venv folder, with the virtual environment. All the python packages will be installed there

Make sure to upgrade all the python dependencies. Execute this command:

python3 -m venv venv --upgrade

Activate the virtual environment

All the apio development must be done inside the virtual environment. Before executing apio we have to enter to this virtual environment

Execute the following command to access to the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Your terminal prompt will be changed. The venv word will apear at the begining:

(venv) $ 

All the python packages installed from now on will be installed only on this virtual environment and not in the system or user environment

Testing your changes

Once you have finished your contribution (a bug fixed, a feature or whatever) you should run the automatic tests and verify that they pass successfuly.

Make sure that the python tox package is installed on your computer

pip install tox.

Run the tests in from the apio-repo directory

make check

NOTE: For other useful make targets see the file apio-repo/Makefile. For example, you can run make l to run just the linters or make t to run just the offline tests.

NOTE: If your system doesn't have the make command you will need to install it.

TODO: How to install make.

Send a pull request

Now you are ready to do a pull request to apio. Thanks for your contribution!

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