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Kevin-OConnor edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the PiScout wiki!

This software, originally developed by FRC 20167 Apple Pi and continued by FRC 238 The Crusaders, implements a "Scantron" style scouting system where information is collected by bubbling in paper forms which are then scanned in and processed by the software. Data is accessible via webpages on a local server with support for an additional remote server to make data accessible over the web.

A sample of the running system can be found at

If you decide to use the system, we would love to hear about it. Shoot us an e-mail at and let us know!

The pages below document some of the system function and how you may want to update it for your team or a new game.

Our 2018 sheets can be found here:

Setting up PiScout

Using PiScout

Advanced system info