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Neovim code editor for Unity

This project aims to add a flexible cross-platform support for nvim as a code editor with unity.

Project goals:

  • Cross-platform support (Windows, Linux, OSX)
  • Flexibility - Ready to use with any nvim client you want.
  • Project generation - Generates .sln files just like the vscode extension for use with LSP.

Besides the editor itself, the plugin requires nvr to be installed so we can pass commands to a running nvim instance. It could in theory be made to work directly using nvim --remote commands, but due to lack of proper documentation and examples, I was not able to get it to work.

How it works

  • First, we are spawning a nvim instance as a server in the background, it listens for connections on a pipe. The pipe name contains a hash of the same project directory, so you will only have a single nvim instance running a given project.
  • Then, we issue a command via nvr to open a given file at the desired line.
  • If we haven't previously launched a client process, we start a new process with the desired client and attach to the running nvim server.

All the commands that are being run, including their arguments can be changed in the "External Tools" window in Unity.

Neovim config

Configuring your nvim to be compatible with unity is out of scope for this project, but here is my experience:

At the time of writing, I'm running nvim 0.9.1 and basic lazyvim. I have only omnisharp-mono installed using mason, and it provides great code actions and completion. I have also tried csharp-ls, which is a bit less capable but much faster, so it's a good option if you're getting LSP timeouts. For proper detection of newly-added files, the following config is required for your LSP (Credits go to @niscolas) for figuring it out:

Your LSP Capabilities table should include workspace.didChangeWatchedFiles.dynamicRegistration = true (Neovim news.txt), example:

local cmp_nvim_lsp = require("cmp_nvim_lsp")
local capabilities = cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities()
capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", capabilities, {
    workspace = {
        didChangeWatchedFiles = {
            dynamicRegistration = true,
// pass `capabilities` to your LSP server `setup()`


Neovim integration for Unity







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