Kaleidoscope is a tool for exploratory analysis of RDF-encoded idea data. It enables you to get an overview over imported idea texts, and recurring themes within them, by interactively marking concepts used within the idea texts.
If you want to try it, there is a demo running at: https://innovonto-kaleidoscope-demo.herokuapp.com/
In our research project Innovonto we collect large numbers of short text snippets containing ideas on how to apply new technologies in everyday products. To make the content of the idea texts computationally accessible, we asked contributors to annotate key concepts within the idea texts, using an approach we called Interactive Concept Validation. Kaleidoscope gives a way to make the annotations within a dataset visible: By selecting concepts, you query the idea data and all ideas matching the concept will be highlighted by the marker you selected (see screenshot above).
This is a re-frame based implementation of the Kaleidoscope Tool for exploratory Analysis of RDF-Data. For more Information please have a look at the poster we submitted at UIST 2018:
Mackeprang, M., Strama, J., Schneider, G., Kuhnz, P., Benjamin, J. J., & Müller-Birn, C. (2018, October). Kaleidoscope: An RDF-based Exploratory Data Analysis Tool for Ideation Outcomes. In The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings (pp. 75-77).
You will need Leiningen (at least Version 2.7.1).
To run the Server, change into the parent directory and run:
lein run.
To run the dev build for the Frontend, run this, in addition to the backend:
lein fig:build.
- Right now the ideas/per-marker route is not rest-style, because markers take the form "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Scenario". Can i somehow improve this?
- use same colors
- toolbox centering
- css animation for init modal
- Export Tab
- Available Marker Search
- Available Marker Paging
- describe query for more info?
- annotations (like, rate, tag)
- Text-Annotation
- Created-By
- available markers: search marker form
- available markers +
- selected markers icon
- selected Markers Toolbar
- cell hover
- cells
- shrink annotations until they fit?
- snapshots in sqlite db
- Similar Ideas
- T-Sne + Grid-Mapping Algorithm
- search marker
- Clustering
- Review Tab
Indexed Entity pattern https://purelyfunctional.tv/guide/database-structure-in-re-frame/
TODO: markers and ideas:
(fn [db]
(mapv (fn [id]
{:quantity (get-in db [:cart :quantities id])
:item (get-in db [:products id])})
(get-in db [:cart :order]))))
{:products {123 {:id 123
:name "Bag of holding"
:price 40
:description "..."}
:cart [{:quantity 2 :item 123} ...]
(fn [db [_ product-info]]
(assoc-in db [:products (:id product-info)] product-info)))
(fn [db [_ product-id]]
(get-in db [:products product-id])))
- SPARQL Limit ist not respected
The endpoints are a wrapper around sparql queries to a sparql endpoint running at "http://localhost:3030/ac2/sparql".
Returns a ResultSet with the following data:
"results": {
"bindings": [
"idea": { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://purl.org/innovonto/ideas/fce9ab17-6ef2-42db-8745-368eeaee99c1" } ,
"content": { "type": "literal" , "value": "This would be useful for locating and tracking animals on land whom are endangered." }
} ,
"idea": { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://purl.org/innovonto/ideas/e3eeb662-c7f7-4631-a979-cfc971012295" } ,
"content": { "type": "literal" , "value": "tech powered doggy door. Opens the door when it recognizes your pet" }
The backend uses https://github.com/joelkuiper/yesparql to build the sparql queries.
Evtl alternativ: https://github.com/AlBaker/clj-sparql
To get an interactive development environment run:
lein fig:build
This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:
(js/alert "Am I connected?")
and you should see an alert in the browser window.
To clean all compiled files:
lein clean
To create a production build run:
lein clean
lein fig:min
lein repl
(use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
(use 'hcc.innovonto.kaleidoscope.server)
(run-jetty handler {:port 3000})
TODO: Include Circle CI via lein doo:
lein doo phantom test once && lein cljsbuild once advanced ;; esac: [lein-doo "0.1.7"]] http://progjobs.co/ducktype/clj-rethinkdb/commit/a3c417ebfc0dbbe20d4d34ecc0f2691cd94ad659
https://github.com/circleci/frontend Running the Tests
There are two main ways for running tests using the plugin lein doo. If you wish to run the tests only once, you can do that with
lein doo chrome dev-test once
This project is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0) (see LICENSE file)
I would like to thank Gerold Schneider, Johann Strama and Philipp Kuhnz for contributing the concept for Kaleidoscope as well as a framer-based prototype.