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You can find here the slides and the sample code of my talk "Ansible für Entwickler" that I presented on DevOpsCon in Munich at 6th December 2016.

Running the Code Samples

The code samples are tested with Ansible and serverspec 2.37.2 .

Setup Test Infrastructure

I prepare a Vagrantfile for the setup of the test infrastructure. The only prerequires are that you have to install VirtualBox and Vagrant on your machine. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open a CLI and go to the location of the file Vagrantfile.
  2. Call vagrant up. Vagrant will download the necessary image for VirtualBox. That will take some times.
  3. Then copy your public key for the authentication that is needed for a SSH login.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa vagrant@

Hint: Public and private keys can be generated with the following command: ssh-keygen

Run Ansible Samples

There exists three samples: server setup without roles, server setup with roles, deploy WAR file on an installed Apache Tomcat

Run Setup Samples Without Roles

  1. Go to the folder ansible
  2. Call ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-db.yml
  3. Call ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-app.yml

Run Setup Sample With Roles

  1. Go to the folder ansible
  2. Call ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-db-roles.yml
  3. Call ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-app-roles.yml

Run Serverspec Tests For Setups

  1. Go to folder ansible
  2. Call rake spec

Run Deploy Sample

  1. Go to the folder ansible
  2. Build demo app
cd demo-app-ansible-deploy
mvn clean install
  1. Call ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant deploy-demo.yml
  2. Cal URL

Run Ad-hoc Command Sample

Sample for the Ad-hoc command to stop the tomcat service: ansible -i inventories/test -u vagrant -m command -a "/etc/init.d/tomcat stop"

Sample for the Ad-hoc command to start the tomcat service: ansible -i inventories/test -u vagrant -m command -a "/etc/init.d/tomcat start"

Run Ansible vs Puppet Samples

The comparision shows how a script for a node.js installation looks in Ansible and in Puppet.

Puppet Sample

  1. Go to the location of the Vagrantfile
  2. Log on the test server with vagrant ssh
  3. Install Puppet package with sudo apt-get install puppet
  4. Go to /vagrant/puppet-vs-ansible/puppet/manifest/
  5. Install needed Puppet modules with puppet module install puppetlabs/apt --modulepath ../modules
  6. Run puppet script with puppet site.pp --modulepath ../modules

Ansible Sample

  1. Go to puppet-vs-ansible/ansible
  2. Run ansible script with ansible-playbook -u vagrant site.yml