You can find here the slides and the sample code of my talk "Ansible für Java-Entwickler" that I presented on JUG Schweiz in Luzern at 15th October 2019.
The code samples are tested with Ansible 2.10.8, ansible-lint 4.3.7, testinfra 3.2.0, serverspec 2.41.5 and Molecule 3.0.
I prepare a Vagrantfile for the setup of the test infrastructure. The only prerequires are that you have to install VirtualBox and Vagrant on your machine. Then follow these steps:
- Open a CLI and go to the location of the file
. - Call
vagrant up
. Vagrant will download the necessary image for VirtualBox and it'll prepare ssh key for ansible. That will take some times.
There exists three samples: server setup without roles, server setup with roles, deploy WAR file on an installed Apache Tomcat
Some samples are based on Ansible community collections, that are defined in ansible/collections/requirements.yml
For installing the Ansible community collections, run
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/collections/requirements.yml
#### Run Setup Samples Without Roles
1. Go to the folder `ansible`
2. Call `ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-db.yml`
3. Call `ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-app.yml`
#### Run Setup Sample With Roles
1. Go to the folder `ansible`
2. Call `ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-db-roles.yml`
3. Call `ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant setup-app-roles.yml`
#### Run Ansible Lint against Playbooks
1. Go to the folder `ansible`
2. Call `ansible-lint *.yml`
#### Run Serverspec Tests for Setups
1. Go to folder `ansible`
2. Call `rake spec`
#### Run Testinfra Tests for Setups
1. Go to folder `ansible`
2. Call `py.test --connection=ansible --ansible-inventory inventories/test -v tests/*.py`
#### Run Molecule Tests for Setups
1. Go to folder `ansible`
2. Call `molecule test`
#### Run Deploy Sample
1. Go to the folder `ansible`
2. Build demo app
cd demo-app-ansible-deploy mvn clean install
3. Call `ansible-playbook -i inventories/test -u vagrant deploy-demo.yml `
4. Cal URL
#### Run Ad-hoc Command Sample
Sample for the Ad-hoc command to stop the tomcat service: `ansible -i inventories/test -u vagrant -m command -a "/etc/init.d/tomcat stop"`
Sample for the Ad-hoc command to start the tomcat service: `ansible -i inventories/test -u vagrant -m command -a "/etc/init.d/tomcat start"`
### QA Jenkins Pipeline
`Jenkinsfile` demonstrates how a QA pipeline for Ansible Playbooks could looks like in Jenkins.
### Run Ansible vs Puppet Samples
The comparision shows how a script for a node.js installation looks in Ansible and in Puppet.
#### Puppet Sample
1. Go to the location of the `Vagrantfile`
2. Log on the test server with `vagrant ssh`
3. Install Puppet package with `sudo apt-get install puppet`
4. Go to `/vagrant/puppet-vs-ansible/puppet/manifest/`
5. Install needed Puppet modules with `puppet module install puppetlabs/apt --modulepath ../modules`
6. Run puppet script with `puppet site.pp --modulepath ../modules`
#### Ansible Sample
1. Go to `puppet-vs-ansible/ansible`
2. Run ansible script with `ansible-playbook -u vagrant -i "," setup-nodejs.yml`
## Further Links