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The TinyWheel allows you to check your battery, speed and some other stats from your wheel using a ESP32 device.

Supported Devices


First of all, install PlatformIO with your favourite IDE (i.e. VSCode). Follow this instructions.

Clone the repo

git clone

Open cloned folder with your PlatformIO IDE (in the example, with VSCode)

cd /path/to/TinyWheel

code .

The first step to flash the TinyWheel firmware is to configure your wheel.

Copy the file .env.dist to .env

cp .env.dist .env

And update the variable WHEEL_DEVICE_TYPE according to the type of wheel you have.

To validate that your instalation is correct run the following command:

platformio run

  # Environment    Status    Duration
  # -------------  --------  ------------
  # tdisplay       SUCCESS   00:00:54.047
  # twristband     SUCCESS   00:00:58.448

Generate the key

Before you can flash TinyWheel to your device you need to generate a key for your wheel.

This key is used to unlock your wheel, without this TinyWheel won't be able to connect to your wheel.

Wheel scanner

The first step to generate the key is to retreive some information from your wheel. While running on scanner mode the TinyWheel will look for your wheel and retreive the name, bluetooth address and the secret that you need to generate the key.

Run the following command to flash TinyWheel in scanner mode

APP=APP_SCANNER platformio run -t upload -e twristband

After the firmware is flashed in APP_SCANNER mode open the serial monitor to retreive the the following values. WHEEL_DEVICE_NAME WHEEL_DEVICE_ADDRESS WHEEL_DEVICE_API_KEY

platformio device monitor --baud 115200

  # Found 1 wheel
  # // ...
  # WHEEL_DEVICE_NAME=ow123456
  # WHEEL_DEVICE_ADDRESS=0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f
  # Done...
  # Going to sleep

Copy the values from your serial monitor and update .env accordingly.

Wheel activation

The last step to generate the key is using the activation API from FM.

Run the following command invoke the API.


  # // ..
  # Are you sure : [y/n]y
  # // ..
  # WHEEL_DEVICE_TYPE    : pint
  # WHEEL_DEVICE_NAME    : ow123456
  • The script is going to ask for confirmation before it send the request, make sure you have the proper values in place and enter y
  • Your ip address can get blocked if you continue to invoke the api with invalid values
  • Keep your WHEEL_DEVICE_KEY and other configurations in a safe place you might need then again in the future if you are flashing the firmware again
  • This step in only required if your are using a Pint or XR with +4210 hardware. With other versions of the gemini you can compute the key but this is not yet supported here. See

Now you have the key and you can flash the TinyWheel firmware to your device. Update the .env file with the WHEEL_DEVICE_KEY you got from

Flash the firmware

Now that you have a .env configured with WHEEL_DEVICE_KEY and all the other parameters you are ready to flash.

Run the following command to flash the TinyWheel firmware

platformio run -t upload -e twristband

  # Wrote 1035376 bytes (580781 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 14.5 seconds (effective 572.6 kbit/s)...
  # Hash of data verified.

  # Leaving...
  # Hard resetting via RTS pin...
  # ============= [SUCCESS] Took 25.74 seconds =============

  # Environment    Status    Duration
  # -------------  --------  ------------
  # tdisplay       IGNORED
  # twristband     SUCCESS   00:00:25.742

If everyting was sucessfull the project will compile and upload to the wristband.

ToDo list

  • BLE abstraction to talk to the wheel
  • Display battery percentage
  • Display speed
  • Display wristband battery
  • XR support
  • Support for Imperial Units
  • Invoke activation from TinyWheel on APP_SCANNER mode
  • Display info about the current ride
  • Alerts on low battery and max speed
  • Turn lights on/off
  • Sleep/Wake on based on motion
  • Charging animation/feedback
  • Move LibWheel to a separate repo
  • ???