Boards and modules for nmea wifi router.
The files in this repository contain the schematics and boards of the vYacht Wifi Router. This router allows to connect directly to the NMEA network and distribute navigational information via Wifi or ethernet.
This router is certainly the easiest and most cost effective gateway between the NMEA boat on-board network and instruments and your PC or iPad/Android. All connections are fully isolated to avoid ground loops.
The router operates with the typical on-board 12V power supply. It has an efficient 12V to 3.3V step down buck converter.
The router runs a modified openwrt as operating system.
Fully assembled and professionally produced boards can be purchased via
If you are a private person you are free to use the design for any private use.
NMEA Wifi Router and other designs by are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The NMEA Wifi Router uses a RT3050 based Carambola as CPU and Wifi module. The Carambola board is unfortuntely based on a proprietary design and Ralink releases even data sheets only under NDA. But the Carambola board is currently the most cost effective and powerful Wifi and CPU solution known to me.
Current version of this board is v8.