RcppDeepState, a simple way to fuzz test compiled code in Rcpp packages. This package extends the DeepState framework to fully support Rcpp based packages.
Note: RcppDeepState is currently supported on Linux and macOS, with windows support in progress.
To learn more about how RcppDeepState works see:
- @akhikolla's RcppDeepState blog
- @FabrizioSandri's GSOC 2022 blog
- Wiki page
First, make sure to install the following dependencies on your local machine.
- CMake
- GCC and G++ with multilib support
- Python 3.6 (or newer)
- Setuptools
Use this command line to install the dependencies.
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib cmake python3-setuptools libffi-dev z3
The RcppDeepState package can be installed from GitHub as follows:
The main purpose of RcppDeepState is to analyze a package and find sublter bugs such memory issues.
To test your package using RcppDeepState follow the steps below:
(a) deepstate_harness_compile_run: This function creates the TestHarnesses for all the functions in the test package with the corresponding makefiles. This function compiles and executes all of the above-mentioned TestHarnesses, as well as creates random inputs for your code. This function gives a list of functions that have been successfully compiled in the package; otherwise, a warning message will be displayed if a test harness cannot be generated automatically.
> RcppDeepState::deepstate_harness_compile_run("~/testSAN")
We can't test the function - unsupported_datatype - due to the following datatypes falling out of the allowed ones: LogicalVector
Failed to create testharness for 1 functions in the package - unsupported_datatype
Testharness created for 6 functions in the package
[1] "rcpp_read_out_of_bound" "rcpp_use_after_deallocate"
[3] "rcpp_use_after_free" "rcpp_use_uninitialized"
[5] "rcpp_write_index_outofbound" "rcpp_zero_sized_array"
(b) deepstate_harness_analyze_pkg: This method examines each test file created in the previous step and produces a table with information on the error messages and inputs supplied to each tested function. The test run log files are saved in the same location as the inputs, i.e. /inst/function/log_*/valgrind_log
result <- RcppDeepState::deepstate_harness_analyze_pkg("~/testSAN")
The result contains a data table with three columns: binary.file, inputs, logtable. Each row of this table correspond to a single test.
> head(result,2)
1: ~/testSAN/inst/testfiles/rcpp_read_out_of_bound/rcpp_read_out_of_bound_output/00004669c554b565471956e17bf36a67a67ecd78.pass
2: ~/testSAN/inst/testfiles/rcpp_read_out_of_bound/rcpp_read_out_of_bound_output/0001a4df441415b38d97b918f6b1e26e26fdadce.pass
inputs logtable
1: <list[1]> <data.table[1x5]>
2: <list[1]> <data.table[1x5]>
The inputs column contains all the inputs that are passed:
> result$inputs[[1]]
[1] -53789918
The logtable is a table containing all of the errors identified by RcppDeepState for a single test.
> result$logtable[[1]]
err.kind message file.line
1: InvalidRead Invalid read of size 4 read_out_of_bound.cpp : 7
1: Address 0xfffffffffe099498 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
1: No Address Trace found
Remember from the previous paragraph that RcppDeepState automatically produces a test harness for you; however, it is possible that RcppDeepState cannot generate the test harness for you, as in the case of the aforementioned unsupported_datatype
function, and will display the following error message:
We can't test the function - unsupported_datatype - due to the following datatypes falling out of the allowed ones: LogicalVector
Failed to create testharness for 1 functions in the package - unsupported_datatype
In this case there are two possible solutions:
- provide a manually built test harness for these functions; more details can be found in the relative guide Provide a custom test harness to RcppDeepState GitHub Action.
- add support for this datatype to RcppDeepState, following this guide Add a new datatype to RcppDeepState
Now RcppDeepState makes it easy to use RcppDeepState with GitHub Actions.
ci_setup: this function can be used to automatically initialize a GitHub workflow file inside your repository for the RcppDeepState analysis. This workflow uses RcppDeepState-action.
> RcppDeepState::ci_setup(pathtotestpackage)