Java 11 sbt Yarn
You can use nix shell to
- Slot : this is a conference with title, kind, start time, end time, day, room
- TrackInfo : Is more than slot. In track slot information plus hit information
- Hit : unique id of the slot, percentage and date time of when hit has been down
Variables that must be positioned on target environment :
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_USER=**to be completed**
POSTGRESQL_MAX_POOL_SIZE=**to be completed**
POSTGRESQL_URI="jdbc:postgresql://**to be completed: Host**/**to be completed USER**"
VOXXRIN_TOKEN=**to be completed**
VOXXRIN_URL=**to be completed**
Locally :
- from the root directory run docker-compose up (should start postgres DB)
- sbt runDev 2.1) Front part will be build 2.2) app will connect to DB and create schema database automatically if it doesn't exist
- from browser : http://localhost:8081
"yarn install" should be run before
- go to front directory
- Run 'yarn dev'
- from browser : http://localhost:5372
Some route are mmocked in 'front/mock-api.ts' file
- ensure that your index is clean and fully pushed.
- checkout release branch
- Run
sbt goToProd
- Process is plugged on remote origin, So take care that remote corresponding to prod target environment
- and then just follow the process