Changelog for 1.1.1
- Added project title
- Added content table
- Reworked most of the project
- Added introduction
- This section covers the project objectives and helps with setting up the project.
- The EDA now has it's own section, divided in univariate, bivariate and summary.
- Added conclusions.
Issues resolved
Resolved #1 TypeError on list: Changed the form that the data was handled
Resolved #2 Manual statistics functions: Removed the manual functions. Opted to use pandas, numpy and scipy for satistics.
Resolved #3 Consideratons for the EDA: Applied most of the suggestions that were created.
Resolved #4 Conclussions?: Added a summary for the EDA and a conclusion section. Although might need to be updated later.
This update was really fun to work on, and it has been an incredible job. I want to get better at making these kind of analysis, so I most definitely will come back to this project later on.