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Solve for b, UI benefits share of unemployment income loss recovered #18
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Given P(U|Age, Edu) in 2009, given unemploymnet duration parameter 
xi=0.532, solve for the b parameter, the share of lost income recovred 
by unemployment UI benefits.

We know total wage income spent on UI 2.1 percent in 2009. So:

1. we find total wage income given xi and unemployment probabilities in 
2. We multiply (1) by 0.021 to get total spending on UI
3. We divide (2) by lost income due to unemployment given xi and 
unemployment probability by age and education to find b.
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FanWangEcon committed Nov 30, 2021
1 parent db9b30f commit 4774a95
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275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions PrjOptiSNW/calibrate/snw_calibrate_2009_b.m
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%% SNW_calibrate_2009 UI Support for Lost Wages Calibration
% The ratio of UI benefits to wages and salary is 2.1 percent in 2009.
% xi in [0,1] governs the duration of unemployment shock for those
% unemployed. This equals to 0.532 in 2009 (xi=0 no wages earned).
% We solve for total wage earnings from unemployed and employed in 2009,
% for employed, same as under steady-state. For unemployed, they lose
% (1-xi) share of the wage they would otherwise have earned. Our
% unemployment probability in 2009 is conditional on age and edu groups
% (SNW_UNEMP_2008.m) computed based on rectiilnear restriction.
% We know total UI amount (multiply its share of total "Wages and
% salary" by total "wages and salary". We know how much wage was lost
% due to xi. The ratio of these two levels is b, which is the
% parameter that is the share of lost-wage recovered. Note that this is
% based on exogenous wage earnings, so we do not have to worry about
% endogenous changes to savings. We will solve for the steady-state
% distribution, which generates mass of people by age, education,
% marital status, kids count, etc.
% FL_RATIO_UI_BENEFITS_TO_WAGE is the ratio of UI benefits to teh total
% wages and salary bill, including wage for the household head and
% pouse, considering unemployment probability by states and loss of
% income due to unemployment duration.
% See also SNWX_V0808_JAEEMK, SNW_V0808_JAEEMK, SNWX_UNEMP_2008,
% SNW_UNEMP_2008, SNW_UNEMP_2008

function [varargout]=snw_calibrate_2009_b(varargin)

%% Default and Parse
if (~isempty(varargin))

fl_ratio_ui_benefits_to_wage = 0.021;
if (length(varargin)==2)
[mp_params, mp_controls] = varargin{:};
elseif (length(varargin)==3)
[mp_params, mp_controls, fl_ratio_ui_benefits_to_wage] = varargin{:};
error('Need to provide 2/3 parameter inputs');

close all;

% Solve the VFI Problem and get Value Function
mp_more_inputs = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
mp_more_inputs('fl_ss_non_college') = 0.225;
mp_more_inputs('fl_ss_college') = 0.271;
mp_more_inputs('fl_scaleconvertor') = 54831;
st_param_group = 'default_small';
% st_param_group = 'default_dense';
mp_params = snw_mp_param(st_param_group, false, 'tauchen', false, 8, 8, mp_more_inputs);
mp_controls = snw_mp_control('default_test');

% no b, solving for b, b set to 0 when solving for wages
% set Unemployment Related Variables
xi=0.532; % Proportional reduction in income due to unemployment (xi=0 refers to 0 labor income; xi=1 refers to no drop in labor income)
% TR parameter does not matter below
TR=100/54831; % Value of a welfare check (can receive multiple checks). TO DO: Update with alternative values

mp_params('xi') = xi;
mp_params('TR') = TR;

% Solve for Unemployment Values
mp_controls('bl_print_calibrate_2009') = true;
mp_controls('bl_print_calibrate_2009_verbose') = true;

fl_ratio_ui_benefits_to_wage = 0.021;


%% Set b = 0
% solving for b, b=0 to get wages without b
fl_b_zero = 0;
mp_params('b') = 0;

%% Parse Model Parameters
params_group = values(mp_params, {'theta', 'r' , 'jret'});
[theta, r, jret] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, {'Bequests', 'bequests_option', 'throw_in_ocean'});
[Bequests, bequests_option, throw_in_ocean] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, {'agrid', 'eta_H_grid', 'eta_S_grid'});
[agrid, eta_H_grid, eta_S_grid] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, {'epsilon', 'SS'});
[epsilon, SS] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, ...
{'n_jgrid', 'n_agrid', 'n_etagrid', 'n_educgrid', 'n_marriedgrid', 'n_kidsgrid'});
[n_jgrid, n_agrid, n_etagrid, n_educgrid, n_marriedgrid, n_kidsgrid] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, {'pi_unemp_2009_edu_age'});
[pi_unemp_2009_edu_age] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(mp_params, {'xi','b'});
[xi, b] = params_group{:};

%% Parse Model Controls
% Profiling Controls
params_group = values(mp_controls, {'bl_timer'});
[bl_timer] = params_group{:};

% Display Controls
params_group = values(mp_controls, {'bl_print_calibrate_2009', 'bl_print_calibrate_2009_verbose'});
[bl_print_calibrate_2009, bl_print_calibrate_2009_verbose] = params_group{:};

%% Timing and Profiling Start
if (bl_timer)
tm_start = tic;

%% Solve for distribution
% the savings distirbution will not impact later calculations, since
% calcualtions based on wages only, not savings. But will compute the
% distributions to get the joint distribution of age, children count,
% marital status, etc.

[V_ss, ap_ss, cons_ss] = snw_vfi_main_bisec_vec(mp_params, mp_controls);
[Phi_true, Phi_adj_ss] = snw_ds_main_vec(mp_params, mp_controls, ap_ss, cons_ss);

%% Solve 08 Policy and Value given 09 Unemployment shock
% 09 has two states, employed or not (extensive), and if unemployed (intensive duration)

% mn_earn_tot = wage earning household head + household-head-spouse (no interest no SS)
mn_earn_tot = NaN(n_jgrid,n_agrid,n_etagrid,n_educgrid,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid);
% mn_earn_unemp = household head only wage earning under unemployment
mn_earn_unemp = NaN(n_jgrid,n_agrid,n_etagrid,n_educgrid,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid);
% mn_earn_unemp_tot = wage earning household head + household-head-spouse (no interest no SS, no UI benefits) under unemployment
mn_earn_unemp_tot = NaN(n_jgrid,n_agrid,n_etagrid,n_educgrid,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid);
% mn_earn_unemp_weighted = weighted sum of mn_earn_tot and mn_earn_unemp_tot
mn_earn_unemp_weighted = NaN(n_jgrid,n_agrid,n_etagrid,n_educgrid,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid);

% Loop Over States and Pre-Store
for j=1:n_jgrid
for a=1:n_agrid
for eta=1:n_etagrid
for educ=1:n_educgrid
for married=1:n_marriedgrid
for kids=1:n_kidsgrid

% 1. Get unemployment probability conditional on age and edu
% columns are edu: 1st column high school; 2nd col college
% rows are age groups: 18--24; 25-54; 55 to 65
if (j<=7)
it_age_grp = 1;
elseif (j<=37)
it_age_grp = 2;
it_age_grp = 3;
fl_unemp_edu_age = pi_unemp_2009_edu_age(it_age_grp, educ);

% 2. Income and Wages employed
% inc = SS + wages + interest earnings + bequest
% earn = wages
[inc, earn]=snw_hh_individual_income(j,a,eta,educ,...
theta, r, agrid, epsilon, eta_H_grid, SS, Bequests, bequests_option);
spouse_inc=snw_hh_spousal_income(j,educ,kids,earn,SS(j,educ), jret);
% total household income and earnings
earn_tot = earn+(married-1)*spouse_inc*exp(eta_S_grid(eta));

% 3. Income unemployed
% inc_umemp = SS + wages*(xi+b*(1-xi)) + interest earnings + bequest
% earn_unemp = wages*(xi+b*(1-xi)), NOT multiplied by (xi+b*(1-xi))
theta, r, agrid, epsilon, eta_H_grid, SS, Bequests, bequests_option,...
% We assume spousal income NOT impcated by (xi+b*(1-xi))
spouse_inc_unemp=snw_hh_spousal_income(j,educ,kids,earn_unemp,SS(j,educ), jret);
% Total household income and earnings under unemployment
% under earn_unemp_tot, note UI = 0, b = 0
% xi=0 means no wage earnings in 2009
earn_unemp_tot = earn_unemp*(xi)+(married-1)*spouse_inc_unemp*exp(eta_S_grid(eta));

% 4. Collect results to mn Matrixes
mn_earn_tot(j,a,eta,educ,married,kids) = earn_tot*(1 - fl_unemp_edu_age);
mn_earn_unemp(j,a,eta,educ,married,kids) = (earn_unemp*(xi))*fl_unemp_edu_age;
mn_earn_unemp_tot(j,a,eta,educ,married,kids) = earn_unemp_tot*fl_unemp_edu_age;
mn_earn_unemp_weighted(j,a,eta,educ,married,kids) = ...
fl_unemp_edu_age*earn_unemp_tot + (1 - fl_unemp_edu_age)*earn_tot;


%% Compute weighted values, weight with mass by states
mn_earn_tot_wgted = Phi_true.*mn_earn_tot;
mn_earn_unemp_wgted = Phi_true.*mn_earn_unemp;
mn_earn_unemp_tot_wgted = Phi_true.*mn_earn_unemp_tot;
mn_earn_unemp_weighted_wgted = Phi_true.*mn_earn_unemp_weighted;

%% Compute b: The Ratio of UI Benefits to Wage is 2.1 percent in 2009
% 1. we know the total wages, household head and household spouse
fl_total_wage = sum(mn_earn_unemp_weighted_wgted,'all');

% 2. what is the total b spending?
% fl_ratio_ui_benefits_to_wage = 0.021;
fl_total_b_spending = fl_total_wage*fl_ratio_ui_benefits_to_wage;

% 3. Total wage earning by household head unemployed (with unemployment duration xi)
fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead = sum(mn_earn_unemp_wgted, 'all');

% 4. Wages lost for unemployed household head
fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead_lost = (fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead/xi)*(1-xi);

% 5. Compute the b, share of lost income recovered parameter.
fl_b_calibrated_by_ui_share = fl_total_b_spending/fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead_lost;

% Gather statistics
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending('fl_total_wage') = fl_total_wage;
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending('fl_total_b_spending') = fl_total_b_spending;
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending('fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead') = fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead;
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending('fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead_lost') = fl_total_wage_unemp_hhhead_lost;
mp_stats_wage_ui_spending('fl_b_calibrated_by_ui_share') = fl_b_calibrated_by_ui_share;

%% Timing and Profiling End
if (bl_timer)
tm_end = toc(tm_start);
st_complete = strjoin(...
["Completed SNW_calibrate_2009", ...
['SNW_MP_PARAM=' char(mp_params('mp_params_name'))], ...
['SNW_MP_CONTROL=' char(mp_controls('mp_params_name'))], ...
['time=' num2str(tm_end)] ...
], ";");

%% Print
if (bl_print_calibrate_2009)
ff_container_map_display(mp_stats_wage_ui_spending, 9, 9);
if (bl_print_calibrate_2009_verbose)
mp_outcomes = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
mp_outcomes('mn_earn_tot_wgted') = mn_earn_tot_wgted;
mp_outcomes('mn_earn_unemp_wgted') = mn_earn_unemp_wgted;
mp_outcomes('mn_earn_unemp_tot_wgted') = mn_earn_unemp_tot_wgted;
mp_outcomes('mn_earn_unemp_weighted_wgted') = mn_earn_unemp_weighted_wgted;
ff_container_map_display(mp_outcomes, 9, 9);

%% Return
varargout = cell(nargout,0);
for it_k = 1:nargout
if (it_k==1)
ob_out_cur = fl_b_calibrated_by_ui_share;
elseif (it_k==2)
ob_out_cur = mp_stats_wage_ui_spending;
elseif (it_k==3)
ob_out_cur = mn_earn_tot_wgted;
elseif (it_k==4)
ob_out_cur = mn_earn_unemp_wgted;
elseif (it_k==5)
ob_out_cur = mn_earn_unemp_tot_wgted;
elseif (it_k==6)
ob_out_cur = mn_earn_unemp_weighted_wgted;
varargout{it_k} = ob_out_cur;

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions PrjOptiSNW/doc/calibrate/preamble.yml
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in_header: '../../../hdga.html'
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- file: snwx_calibrate_2009_b
title: "UI Benefit Unemployment Lost Wage Recovery Parameter b Calibration"
titleshort: "UI Benefit Unemployment Lost Wage Recovery Parameter b Calibration"
description: |
The ratio of UI benefits to wages and salary is 2.1 percent in 2009. 0 < xi < 1 governs the duration of unemployment shock for those unemployed. This equals to 0.532 in 2009 (xi = 0 no wages earned).
We solve for total wage earnings from unemployed and employed in 2009, for employed, same as under steady-state. For unemployed, they lose (1 - xi) share of the wage they would otherwise have earned. Our unemployment probability in 2009 is conditional on age and edu groups (SNW_UNEMP_2008.m) computed based on rectiilnear restriction.
We know total UI amount (multiply its share of total "Wages and salary" by total "wages and salary". We know how much wage was lost due to xi. The ratio of these two levels is b, which is the parameter that is the share of lost-wage recovered.
core :
- package: PrjOptiSNW
code: |
date: 2021-11-26
date_start: 2021-11-26
pandoc_args: '../../../_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'
in_header: '../../../preamble.tex'
pandoc_args: '../../../_output_kniti_html.yaml'
in_header: '../../../hdga.html'
always_allow_html: true
urlcolor: blue
Binary file not shown.

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