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Topology recovery

orchestrator能够从一系列的故障场景(Failure detection scenarios 故障检测场景)中恢复。值得注意的是,它可以恢复a failed master or a failed intermediate master.

orchestrator 支持:


要运行任何类型的故障转移, 您的拓扑必须支持:

  • MariaDB GTID
  • Pseudo GTID
  • Binlog Servers

更多细节见MySQL Configuration

自动恢复是可以选的, 请参阅 Configuration: Recovery

What's in a recovery?

基于Failure detection, 一连串的事件构成了一个恢复过程:

  • 恢复前的钩子(执行外部进程)

Pre-recovery hooks (external processes execution)

  • 拓扑修复

Healing of topology

  • 恢复后的钩子

Post-recovery hooks


  • 恢复前的钩子由用户配置

Pre-recovery hooks are configured by the user.

  • 按顺序执行

Executed sequentially

  • 任何这些钩子的失败(非零退出代码)都将中止故障转移

Failure of any of these hooks (nonzero exit code) will abort the failover.

  • 拓扑修复由orchestrator管理并且基于状态(state-based)而不是基于配置(configuration-based). orchestrator 试图在考虑到现有的拓扑结构、版本、服务器配置等因素的情况下, 使坏情况得到最好的解决.

Topology healing is managed by orchestrator and is state-based rather than configuration-based. orchestrator tries to make the best out of a bad situation, taking into consideration the existing topology, versions, server configurations, etc.

  • 恢复后钩子也由用户配置.

Post-recovery hooks are, again, configured by the user.

Discussion: recovering a dead intermediate master


一个"简单"的恢复案例是 DeadIntermediateMaster 的案例. 它的副本是孤立的, 但是当使用 GTID 或 Pseudo-GTID 它们仍然可以重新连接到拓扑. 我们可能会选择:

  • 找到dead intermediate master的同级节点, 并将无主的副本移动到该节点下面

Find a sibling of the dead intermediate master, and move orphaned replicas below said sibling

  • 从孤立的副本中提升一个副本, 使其成为其兄弟副本的intermediate master, 然后, 将提升的副本连接到拓扑

Promote a replica from among the orphaned replicas, make it intermediate master of its siblings, then connect promoted replica up the topology

  • 重新安置所有孤儿副本

relocate all orphaned replicas

  • 将上述部分结合起来

Combine parts of the above

具体的实现在很大程度上取决于拓扑结构的设置(哪些实例有log-slave-updates?实例是否滞后?它们有复制过滤器吗?MySQL版本是?等等). 您的拓扑很(很)可能至少支持上述之一(特别是, 除非有复制过滤器,否则匹配副本是一个微不足道的解决方案)。

It is very (very) likely your topology will support at least one of the above (in particular, matching-up the replicas is a trivial solution, unless replication filters are in place). 每太搞懂这个怎么翻译

Discussion: recovering a dead master

由于各种原因, 恢复一个dead master是一个复杂得多的操作:

  • There is outage implied and recovery is expected to be as fast as possible.
  • 一些服务器可能会在这个过程中丢失. orchestrator必须确定是哪些, 如果有的话

Some servers may be lost in the process. orchestrator must determine which, if any.

  • State of the topology may be such that the user wishes to prevent the recovery.
  • Master service discovery must take place: the app must be able to communicate with the new master (potentially be told that the master has changed).
  • Find the best replica to promote.
    • 一种天真的方法是选择最新的副本, 但这可能并不总是正确的选择

A naive approach would be to pick the most up-to-date replica, but that may not always be the right choice.

  • 最新的副本可能没有必要的配置来充当其他副本的主节点(例如, binlog 格式、MySQL 版本控制、复制过滤器等). 一味地推广最新的副本可能会丢失副本容量

It may so happen that the most up-to-date replica will not have the necessary configuration to act as master to other replicas (e.g. binlog format, MySQL versioning, replication filters and more). By blindly promoting the most up-to-date replica one may lose replica capacity.

  • orchestrator 尝试提升将保留最多服务容量的副本.

orchestrator attempts to promote a replica that will retain the most serving capacity.

  • 提升所述副本, 接管其同级

Promote said replica, taking over its siblings.

  • Bring siblings up to date
  • 可能的话, 做第二阶段选举提升; 如果可能的话, 用户可能已经标记了要提升的特定服务器(见 register-candidate 命令)

Possibly, do a 2nd phase promotion; the user may have tagged specific servers to be promoted if possible (see register-candidate command).

  • Call upon hooks (read further)

新主库的发现很大程度是需要用户自行实现的. 常见的解决方案是:

Master service discovery is largely the user's responsibility to implement. Common solutions are:

  • 基于DNS 的发现; orchestrator 将需要调用一个修改 DNS 条目的钩子.

DNS based discovery; orchestrator will need to invoke a hook that modifies DNS entries.

  • ZooKeeper/Consul KV/etcd/其他基于键值的发现; orchestrator 内置了对 Consul KV 的支持, 否则外部钩子必须更新 KV 存储.

ZooKeeper/Consul KV/etcd/other key-value based discovery; orchestrator has built-in support for Consul KV, otherwise an external hook must update KV stores

  • 基于Proxy的发现; orchestrator 将调用修改代理配置的外部钩子, 或者将更新如上所述的 Consul/Zk/etcd, 这本身将触发对代理配置的更新.

Proxy based discovery; orchestrator will call upon external hook that modifies proxy config, or will update Consul/Zk/etcd as above, which will itself trigger an update to proxy configuration.

  • Other solutions...

orchestrator试图成为通用的解决方案, 因此对您的服务发现方法不采取任何立场.

Automated recovery

可选. 自动恢复可以应用于所有("*")集群或特定集群.

恢复遵循检测, 并且假设恢复没有被阻塞(阅读下文):

Recovery follows detection, and assuming nothing blocks recovery (read further below)

For greater resolution, different configuration applies for master recovery and for intermediate-master recovery. Detailed breakdown of recovery-related configuration follows. 与恢复相关的配置的详细分类如下.

该分析机制一直在运行, 并定期检查failure/recovery的情况. 它将为以下情况做出自动恢:

The analysis mechanism runs at all times, and checks periodically for failure/recovery scenarios. It will make an automated recovery for:

  • 一个可操作性的情景类型.

An actionable type of scenario

  • 对于未停机的实例.

For an instance that is not downtimed

  • 对于属于通过配置显式启用恢复的集群的实例.

For an instance belonging to a cluster for which recovery is explicitly enabled via configuration

  • 对于最近未恢复的集群中的实例,除非此类最近的恢复得到确认

For an instance in a cluster that has not recently been recovered, unless such recent recoveries were acknowledged

  • 在启用全局恢复的情况下

Where global recoveries are enabled

Graceful master promotion 在线切换

a.k.a graceful master takeover

TL;DR 用这个方法, 在有序的、有计划的操作中切换主库.

通常, 出于升级、主机维护等目的, 您可能希望做一个主从切换操作. 这是一个优雅的切换(aka graceful master takeover). 它本质上是角色的转换: 现有的副本变成新的主, 旧的主变成副本.

In a graceful takeover:

  • 用户或orchestrator选择一个现有的副本作为指定的新主库.

either the user or orchestrator choose an existing replica as the designated new master.

  • orchestrator确保指定的副本takes over its siblings as intermediate master.

orchestrator ensures the designated replica takes over its siblings as intermediate master

  • orchestrator 将打开主库的read-only (通常也会打开 super-read-only).

orchestrator turns the master to be read-only (possibly also super-read-only)

  • orchestrator 确保你指定的server caught up with replication.

orchestrator makes sure your designated server is caught up with replication.

  • orchestrator 将您指定的server提升为新的主库.

orchestrator promotes your designated server as the new master.

  • orchestrator 将提升的server变为可写.

orchestrator turns promoted server to be writable.

  • orchestrator将旧主库降级, 并将其作为新主库的从库.

orchestrator demotes the old master and places it as a direct replica of the new master

  • 如果可能, orchestrator为降级的主库设置复制用户/密码

if possible, orchestrator sets replication user/password for the demoted master

  • graceful-master-takeover-auto 变体(见下文)中, orchestrator 在降级的master 上开始复制

in the graceful-master-takeover-auto variant (see following), orchestrator starts replication on demoted master.

该操作可能需要几秒钟, 在此期间, 你的应用程序预计会抱怨, 因为看到主库是read-only只读的.

orchestrator 为您提供了专门的钩子来运行优雅的接管:

  • PreGracefulTakeoverProcesses
  • PostGracefulTakeoverProcesses

这些钩子是在标准钩子之外运行的. orchestrator 将运行 PreGracefulTakeoverProcesses, 然后通过 DeadMaster 流程, 为 DeadMaster 运行正常的 pre-、post-hook, 最后跟进 PostGracefulTakeoverProcesses

我们发现, 有些操作在优雅接管(graceful-takeover)和真正的故障转移之间是相似的, 而有些则不同. 例如, PreGracefulTakeoverProcessesPostGracefulTakeoverProcesses钩子可以用来屏蔽告警. 你可能想在计划中的故障切换期间屏蔽告警. 高级用法可能包括在代理层停滞流量.

在正常的pre-, post-故障转移过程中, 你可以使用{command}占位符, 或者ORC_COMMAND环境变量来检查这是否是一个优雅的接管. 你会看到 graceful-master-takeover 这个值.


There are two variations of graceful takeover:

  • graceful-master-takeover:
    • 用户必须指定要提升的副本

The user must indicate the designated replica to be promoted

  • 或者, 设置拓扑结构, 使master只有一个直接的从库, 这隐式地使其成为指定副本(candidate master)

or, setup topology such that the master only has a single direct replica, which implicitly makes it the designated replica

  • 降级的old master被放置为new master的从库, 但orchestrator并没有在old master上执行start slave .

the demoted master is placed as replica to the new master, but orchestrator does not start replication on the server.

  • graceful-master-takeover-auto:
    • 用户可以指定要提升的指定副本, orchestrator必须遵守.

The user may indicate the designated replica to be promoted, which orchestrator must respect

  • 或者, 用户可以不指定new master, 在这种情况下, orchestrator会选择最佳的副本进行提升.

or, the user may omit the identity of designated replica, in which case orchestrator picks the best replica to promote

  • 降级的old master作为new master的从库, 并且 orchestrator 会在old master上执行start slave .

the demoted master is placed as replica to the new master, and orchestrator starts replication on the server.


Invoke graceful takeover via:

  • Command line; examples:
    • orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover -alias mycluster -d 指定new master; orchestrator 不会在old master上启动复制(start slave)
    • orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover-auto -alias mycluster -d 指定new master; orchestrator 会在old master上启动复制(start slave)
    • orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover-auto -alias mycluster: 让 orchestrator 自己选择new master; orchestrator 会在old master上启动复制(start slave)
  • Web API; examples:
    • /api/graceful-master-takeover/:clusterHint/:designatedHost/:designatedPort: gracefully promote a new master (planned failover), 指示要提升的new master.
    • /api/graceful-master-takeover/:clusterHint: gracefully promote a new master (planned failover). 没有指定new master, 当master只有一个直接从库时工作.
    • /api/graceful-master-takeover-auto/:clusterHint: gracefully promote a new master (planned failover). orchestrator 选择一个new master. orchestrator 会在old master上启动复制(start slave)
  • Web interface: 拖动master的直接从库到master box的左半边. web interface会使用graceful-master-takeover ; 降级的master上的复制将不会启动.

Web interface: drag a direct master's replica onto the left half of the master's box. The web interface uses the graceful-master-takeover variation; the replication on demoted master will not kick in.

Manual recovery 手动恢复

TL;DR 当主库故障, 但自动恢复被禁用或blocked时使用此选项.

你可以通过指定故障实例来要求orchestrator 进行故障恢复. 该实例必须被确认为发生了故障. 可以请求恢复已停机的实例(由于这是手动恢复,它覆盖了自动假设).


  • Command line: orchestrator-client -c recover -i --debug
  • Web API: /api/recover/
  • Web: instance is colored black; click the Recover button

手动恢复不会在RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds上阻塞(请在下一节阅读更多内容). 它们也覆盖了RecoverMasterClusterFiltersRecoverIntermediateMasterClusterFilters. 因此, 人们总是可以根据需求调用恢复. 一个恢复可能只会阻塞同时在同一数据库实例上运行的另一个恢复

A recovery may only block on yet another recovery running at that time on the same database instance.(这个意思应该是说, 同时对两个集群进行恢复是可以的, 但是一个实例同一时间只能运行一个恢复操作, 后者会被阻塞).

Manual, forced failover 手动强制failover

TL;DR 强制主库failover, 无论orchestrator 怎么想

也许orchestrator没有看到这个实例是失败的, 或者你有一些应用逻辑要求主库必须马上failover, 或者也许失败的类型是orchestrator不确定的. 你希望现在就启动一个master failover. 你将运行:

  • Command line: orchestrator-client -c force-master-failover --alias mycluster

or orchestrator-client -c force-master-failover -i

  • Web API: /api/force-master-failover/mycluster

or /api/force-master-failover/

Web, API, command line


Recoveries are audited via:

  • /web/audit-recovery
  • /api/audit-recovery
  • /api/audit-recovery-steps/:uid


Nuance auditing and control available via:

  • /api/blocked-recoveries: see blocked recoveries
  • /api/ack-recovery/cluster/:clusterHint: acknowledge a recovery on a given cluster
  • /api/ack-all-recoveries: acknowledge all recoveries
  • /api/disable-global-recoveries: global switch to disable orchestrator from running any recoveries
  • /api/enable-global-recoveries: re-enable recoveries
  • /api/check-global-recoveries: check is global recoveries are enabled

Running manual recoveries (see next sections):

  • /api/recover/:host/:port: recover specific host, assuming orchestrator agrees there is failure.
  • /api/recover-lite/:host/:port: same, do not invoke external hooks (can be useful for testing)
  • /api/graceful-master-takeover/:clusterHint/:designatedHost/:designatedPort: gracefully promote a new master (planned failover), indicating the designated master to promote.
  • /api/graceful-master-takeover/:clusterHint: gracefully promote a new master (planned failover). Designated server not indicated, works when the master has exactly one direct replica.
  • /api/force-master-failover/:clusterHint: panic, force master failover for given cluster


Some corresponding command line invocations:

  • orchestrator-client -c recover -i some.instance:3306
  • orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover -i
  • orchestrator-client -c graceful-master-takeover -alias somecluster
  • orchestrator-client -c force-master-takeover -alias somecluster
  • orchestrator-client -c ack-cluster-recoveries -alias somecluster
  • orchestrator-client -c ack-all-recoveries
  • orchestrator-client -c disable-global-recoveries
  • orchestrator-client -c enable-global-recoveries
  • orchestrator-client -c check-global-recoveries

Blocking, acknowledgements, anti-flapping

orchestrator 通过引入阻塞周期来避免抖动(级联故障导致持续中断和资源消除), 在任何给定的集群上, 除非人工允许, 否则 orchestrator 不会在小于所述周期的间隔内启动自动恢复

block period由 RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds 指示. 它仅适用于同一集群上的恢复. 没有什么可以阻止在不同集群上运行的并发恢复.

一旦RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds过了, 或者恢复被确认了, Pending中的recoveries就会unblocked

可以通过 Web API/interface(see audit/recovery page)或通过command line interface确认恢复(Acknowledging a recovery )(orchestrator-client -c ack-cluster-recoveries -alias somealias).

请注意, 手动恢复 (e.g. orchestrator-client -c recover or orchestrator-client -c force-master-failover) 会忽略阻塞期( blocking period).

Adding promotion rules

有些服务器在故障转移的情况下是更好的晋升人选. 有些服务器不是很好的人选. 比如说:

  • 硬件配置较差的server. 你不希望他被选为new leader.
  • 在另一个数据中心的server. 你不希望他被选为new leader.
  • 作为备份节点的server: 如会运行LVM快照备份, mysqldump, xtrabackup等等. 你不希望他被选为new leader.
  • 一个配置较好的server, 是理想的候选人. 你希望他被选为new leader.
  • 任何一个状态正常的server, 你没有特别的选择意见


orchestrator-client -c register-candidate -i ${::fqdn} --promotion-rule ${promotion_rule}

Supported promotion rules are:

  • prefer
  • neutral 中立
  • prefer_not
  • must_not

Promotion rules在一小时后失效. That's the dynamic nature of orchestrator. 你需要设置一个cron作业来宣布服务器的promotion rule:

*/2 * * * * root "/usr/bin/perl -le 'sleep rand 10' && /usr/bin/orchestrator-client -c register-candidate -i --promotion-rule prefer"

此设置来自生产环境. cron entries通过puppet 更新来设置新的promotion_rule . 一个server可能现在是prefer的, 但5分钟后就是prefer_not

这取决于你们公司自己的选主逻辑, 如, prefer的服务器要是是例行维护了, 那么就要更改promotion_rule

你可以整合你自己的服务发现方法、你自己的脚本, 以提供你最新的promotion_rule


所有的failure/recovery情况都得到了分析. 然而, 也考虑到了实例的停机状态.

一个实例的停机状态. 一个实例可以被停机(通过orchestrator-client -c begin-downtime), 这将在分析摘要中指出. 在考虑自动恢复时, 会跳过停机的服务器.

All failure/recovery scenarios are analyzed. However also taken into consideration is the downtime status of an instance. An instance can be downtimed (via orchestrator-client -c begin-downtime) and this is noted in the analysis summary. When considering automated recovery, downtimed servers are skipped.

事实上, 停机时间正是为了这个目的而明确创建的, 它允许DBA有办法抑制自动故障转移和特定服务器

Downtime was, in fact, explicitly created for this very purpose, and allows the DBA a way to suppress automated failover and a specific server.

请注意, 手动恢复(例如 orchestrator-client -c recover)会覆盖停机时间.

Recovery hooks

orchestrator支持钩子--通过恢复过程调用的外部脚本. 这些是通过shell, 特别是bash调用的命令数组. 参见恢复配置中的Hooks

  • OnFailureDetectionProcesses: described in Failure detection.
  • PreGracefulTakeoverProcesses: 在old master进入只读状态之前, 在graceful-master-takeover命令中调用.
  • PreFailoverProcesses
  • PostMasterFailoverProcesses
  • PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses
  • PostFailoverProcesses
  • PostUnsuccessfulFailoverProcesses
  • PostGracefulTakeoverProcesses: executed on planned, graceful master takeover, 在old master被置于new master之下后.