CloudBoost is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "CloudBoost"
install by:
pod install
close currently open project and open the project in .xcworkspace
add CloudBoost to your project
import CloudBoost in your swift file
import CloudBoost
Using CloudBoost in code
// Creating a new CloudApp with your appID and appKey
let app = CloudApp(appID: "Your-app-ID", appKey: "Your-app-key")
// Enable Logging, defaults to false
// Create a new table
let obj = CloudObject(tableName: "Student")
// Set attributes
obj.set("name", value: "Randhir")
obj.set("marks", value: 99)
// Save the table, with a callback. response is in the form of CloudBoostResponse{ response in
Randhir Singh,
CloudBoost is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.