Alpha release FastTrack v6.0.0a
FastTrack version 6.0.0 comes with several modifications:
- Updated to Qt version 6 to benefit from the latest features.
- Improved the overall continuous build process, leveraging the power of aqtinstall.
- Improved Windows continuous build to simplify the packaging.
- Dropped native support to Linux system using glibc <2.28. Qt6 and FastTrack have to be compiled from source for these systems.
- Changed the public API due to the fusion of QList and QVector. FastTrack >=6.0.0 can't be compiled using Qt <=6.2.0.
- Compatibility issues with outdated systems.
There will be a total compatibility between tracking analysis from version >5.0.0 and >6.0.0.
Deployment roadmap
- Unit testing.
- Binary production on supported platforms.
- Stability testing on Windows and Mac platforms.