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Merge pull request Sudha247#91 from FayCarsons/quadtree-example
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Quadtree sketch example
  • Loading branch information
FayCarsons authored Mar 1, 2024
2 parents 57fc3d7 + 4454d4e commit ed3bd4e
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions examples/dune
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Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,11 @@
(modules donut_with_scale)
(libraries joy))

(name quadtree)
(modules quadtree)
(libraries joy))

(name flowfield)
(modules flowfield noise)
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127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
type point = float Joy.point

(* Constants *)
let size = 800.
let half_size = size /. 2.
let max_leaf_points = 4
let clusters = 32
let point_size = 1

let box_color = (0, 0, 0)
let point_color = (255, 1, 1)

(* Init rng *)
let _ = Random.self_init ()

(* Point utils *)
let splat n : point = { x = n; y = n }

let pmap2 f ({ x = x1; y = y1 } : point) ({ x = x2; y = y2 } : point) : point =
{ x = f x1 x2; y = f y1 y2 }

let ( +~ ) (p1 : point) (p2 : point) : point =
{ x = p1.x +. p2.x; y = p1.y +. p2.y }

let ( /! ) ({ x; y } : point) scalar : point =
{ x = x /. scalar; y = y /. scalar }

(* Random utils for creating random clustered points *)
let rand_point () : point =
{ x = Random.float size -. half_size; y = Random.float size -. half_size }

(* Creates a point within 50 units of a center *)
let centered_point (center : point) _: point =
let offset () = Random.float 100. -. 50. in
center +~ { x = offset (); y = offset () }

(* Creates a list of random points clustered around a center point *)
let cluster _ =
let center = rand_point () in
List.init (8 + 24) (centered_point center)

(* Box and utils *)

(* Axis aligned bounding box *)
type box = { min : point; max : point }

let box min max = { min; max }

(* Returns the middle point of the box *)
let midpoint { min; max } = pmap2 ( +. ) min max /! 2.

(* Subdivides a box into four even axis-aligned boxes *)
let quarters ({ min; max } as box) =
let mid = midpoint box in
let lu = { min = { x = min.x; y = mid.y }; max = { x = mid.x; y = max.y } } in
let ru = { min = { x = mid.x; y = mid.y }; max = { x = max.x; y = max.y } } in
let rd = { min = { x = mid.x; y = min.y }; max = { x = max.x; y = mid.y } } in
let ld = { min; max = mid } in
(lu, ru, rd, ld)

(* Checks whether point is within bounds of box *)
let contains { min; max } ({ x; y }: point) =
x > min.x && x < max.x && y > min.y && y < max.y

(* Quadtree and utils *)

(* 2-tuple of bounding box * 'a list of elts whose positions are within that box *)
type 'a leaf = box * 'a list

type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a leaf | Node of 'a tree list

(* Constructs tree from root *)
let split_root box points =
(* Groups points with the boxes that contain them *)
let partition (lu, ru, rd, ld) es =
let belongs box = List.filter (contains box) in
( (lu, belongs lu es),
(ru, belongs ru es),
(rd, belongs rd es),
(ld, belongs ld es) )
(* Splits and converts to Node if leaf has too many points,
otherwise returns leaf *)
let rec split (box, es) =
if List.length es > max_leaf_points then
let quarters' = quarters box in
let lu, ru, rd, ld = partition quarters' points in
Node ( split [ lu; ru; rd; ld ])
else Leaf (box, es)
split (box, points)

(* Builds our float point tree *)
let build () =
let root = box (splat (-.half_size)) (splat half_size) in
let points = List.flatten (List.init clusters cluster) in
split_root root points

(* Converts our constructed tree into a flat list of shapes for rendering *)
let to_flat_shapes tree =
let open Joy in
(* Converts box into rectangle *)
let rect_of_bb bb =
rectangle ~c:(midpoint bb)
(int_of_float (bb.max.x -. bb.min.x))
(int_of_float (bb.max.y -. bb.min.y))
|> with_stroke box_color
(* Converts point into circle of radius 1 *)
let circle_of_point pt = circle ~c:pt point_size |> with_stroke point_color in
(* Traverses tree recursively *)
let rec convert xs = function
| Node children -> List.concat_map (convert xs) children
| Leaf (aabb, es) ->
let b = rect_of_bb aabb in circle_of_point es @ (b :: xs)
convert [] tree

let () =
let open Joy in
init ();
let tree = build () in
let shapes = to_flat_shapes tree in
show shapes;
write ~filename:"quadtree.png" ()

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