A Survival SVM FeatureCloud app, allowing a federated training of a Survival SVM using a pure regression objective.
: containing the local training data (columns: features; rows: samples)test
: containing the local test data
Those files should be CSV (comma-seperated values) files, but you can control which separator is used by setting sep
Survival analysis needs a survival time and a censoring state. These should be given as a column in the training and
test files. The name of the label can be controlled by setting label_survival_time
and label_event
. Also give the
value indicating that the event occurred (e.g. data is not censored) by setting event_truth_value
: containing the pickled trained SVM objectpred
: containing the predictions generated on the local test datatrain
: containing the local training data (copy of input)test
: containing the local test data (copy of input)
The pickled model is compatible with the FastSurvivalSVM
class in
scikit-survival, which is itself compatible with scikit-learn.
import pickle
from sksurv.svm.survival_svm import FastSurvivalSVM
with open('model.pickle', 'r') as f:
model: FastSurvivalSVM = pickle.load(f)
# Load data ...
# Preprocess data ...
predictions = model.predict(X_test)
# ...
Please note that it is advised to encode categorical features of the input e.g. using the one-hot scheme. The One-hot Encoder FeatureCloud App can be used in a workflow prior to this app.
Can be combined with the following apps:
- Pre: Cross Validation, Normalization, Feature Selection, One-hot Encoder
- Post: Survival Regression Evaluation
Use the config file to customize your training. Just upload it together with your training data as config.yml
enable_smpc: True # SMPC enhances privacy in a trade-off for a longer runtime, by only sending masked output to the aggregator.
min_samples: 3 # opt out when a split of data contains less than min_samples; can not be set lower than 3
train: "train_encoded.csv"
test: "test_encoded.csv"
model: "model.pickle"
meta: "meta.yml"
pred: "pred.csv"
train: "train.csv" # optional, default: fc_survival_svm.input.train; filename name for a copy of the train input
test: "test.csv" # optional, default: fc_survival_svm.input.train; filename name for a copy of the test input
sep: "," # separator used in csv files
label_survival_time: "tte" # label for the time to event column
label_event: "event" # label for the event column
event_value: '1' # optional, default='1'; value of an entry in the event column when an event occurred
event_censored_value: '0' # optional, default='0'; value of an entry in the event column when entry is censored
mode: directory # directory if cross validation was used before, else file
dir: "cv" # cv if cross validation app was used before, else .
svm: # only set these at coordinator; will be overwritten otherwise
alpha: 1 # regularization parameter
fit_intercept: False # whether to fit an intercept or not
max_iterations: 1000 # maximum number of iterations
- Exchanges the model parameters of the SVM
- Uses SMPC to exchange data - No local parameters are visible, only aggregations