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makiJS is a jQuery plugin for rapid page prototyping.

The plugin accepts a list of Emmet syntax formatted strings to create a styleguide and/or protopage.

##Usage To use it in your project, call it on a jQuery selector of choice with the following properties:


	contentSrc:		"..." || false,
	content:        [] || "...",          
	copyControls:   true || false,
	codeView:       true || false,
	clearfix:       true || false,
	hash:			"..." || "#..." || false,
	path:			"..." || false,
	debug:			true || false


####contentSrc: A string that allows you to specify a source file. Maki supports JSON and TXT extensions. If the file has a TXT extension maki will treat every new line in that file as an element. If the extension is JSON it will default to looping through the entire JSON. If you want to use a specific key you can set a .JSON extension to contentSrc and a string to specify the key in the content property below.

####content: An array of emmet strings or a single emmet string, also allows for a multidimensional array to extract elements into different arrays and re-use them in multiple cases. If there is a file with a JSON extension filled in as contentSrc, the content property will accept a string to specify which array in the JSON to use.

####append: A boolean that allows you to specify whether maki replaces the content or appends to the content.

####copyControls: A boolean that allows you to add Copy Emmet & Copy HTML buttons.

####codeView: A boolean that allows you to add a codeView to every element (inherits from copyControls by default and can only be activated if the copyControls property is set to true).

####clearfix: A boolean that adds the clearfix class to each element maki creates.

####hash: A string that allows you to specify a hash that maki will trigger on.

####path: A string that allows you to specify a path where to load the dependencies from.

###debug: A boolean that allows you to toggle loading in the minified/non-minified dependencies.

##Thanks to Redhotminute -
jQuery -
jQuery-ZenCoding.js -
Prettify.js -
Emmet -


A prototyping tool.







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