It is required to start a local nodeos that is connected to the remote testnet.
Please refer to this link:
The local nodeos should listen at
// Without the opt "--http-validate-host=false", it will never work in the current version of EOS
keosd --http-server-address= --http-validate-host=false &
cleos wallet create
Remember to store the output password for unlocking later.
By default, wallet daemon is listenning at http://localhost:6666
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 wallet unlock
-> enter the password to unlock
It is required to import the private key of the account (into the local wallet) used to deploy contract. We can utilize the created account on the remote testnet because this account is funded with enough RAM.
"name": "useraaaaaaaa",
"private-key": "5JtUScZK2XEp3g9gh7F8bwtPTRAkASmNrrftmx4AxDKD5K4zDnr",
"public-key": "EOS69X3383RzBZj41k73CSjUNXM5MYGpnDxyPnWUKPEtYQmTBWz4D"
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url wallet import 5JtUScZK2XEp3g9gh7F8bwtPTRAkASmNrrftmx4AxDKD5K4zDnr
If not available, it is possible to create a contract skeleton by using the following cmd:
eosiocpp -n ${contract_name}
eosiocpp -o ${contract_name}.wast ${contract_name}.cpp
eosiocpp -g ${contract_name}.abi ${contract_name}.cpp
Do not pass the abi file or wast file as arguments as this will not work. We use the account useraaaaaaaa
for deployment.
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url set contract ${account_name} ${abs_path_to_contract_folder} ${abs_path_to_wast_file} ${abs_path_to_abi_file}
Note: You must use an absolute path. Otherwise, the deployment cmd will fail.
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url set contract useraaaaaaaa ~/Work/reference/dyver/eos-todo/contract/ ~/Work/reference/dyver/eos-todo/contract/hello.wast ~/Work/reference/dyver/eos-todo/contract/hello.abi
Reading WAST/WASM from hello/hello.wasm...
Using already assembled WASM...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: 051481bef826a097082ef4e5ba93f1467459d774990538484e90a45803245f32 1800 bytes 781 us
# eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"useraaaaaaaa","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000013b0c60027f7e006000017e6...
# eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"useraaaaaaaa","abi":"0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e30000102686900010475736572046e616d65010...
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
Error note:
Error 3040005: Expired Transaction
Please increase the expiration time of your transaction!
Error Details:
expired transaction 1ef65a2816337fca606a243bf89c2f898e28467b0480f6021b395ddfe8f67dbd
** Root cause:**
The running local nodeos is incurring high latency. Either wait until the latency value is decreased or restart the local nodeos.
0|script_c | 3229491ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 5bc67b62c9008b98... #97000 @ 2018-06-19T17:53:00.000 signed by producer111a [trxs: 0, lib: 96867, conf: 108, latency: 75649491 ms]
0|script_c | 3240221ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 510669cfd7c66f58... #98000 @ 2018-06-19T18:01:20.000 signed by producer111d [trxs: 0, lib: 97863, conf: 0, latency: 75160221 ms]
0|script_c | 3250914ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block c1523a5a97110731... #99000 @ 2018-06-19T18:09:40.000 signed by producer111g [trxs: 0, lib: 98859, conf: 0, latency: 74670914 ms]
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url push action ${account_name} ${contract_method} '[${argument_list}]' -p ${account_name}@active
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url push action useraaaaaaaa hi '["trung"]' -p useraaaaaaaa@active
executed transaction: 1c9d5d983de01f57a5afdede69d293fd86a9c59139cc49ca7d1de0ab6b31ee7a 104 bytes 904 us
# useraaaaaaaa <= useraaaaaaaa::hi {"user":"trung"}
>> Hello Hello, trung
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get code ${account_name}
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get code useraaaaaaaa
code hash: f1c645067bde280a6407a986d69b94ece3720891a403fefe3f00b940ffd1ace0
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get account ${account_name}
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get account useraaaaaaaa
privileged: false
owner 1: 1 EOS69X3383RzBZj41k73CSjUNXM5MYGpnDxyPnWUKPEtYQmTBWz4D
active 1: 1 EOS69X3383RzBZj41k73CSjUNXM5MYGpnDxyPnWUKPEtYQmTBWz4D
quota: 645.7 Mb used: 33.29 Kb
net bandwidth: (averaged over 3 days)
staked: 291582899.8560 SYS (total stake delegated from account to self)
delegated: 0.0000 SYS (total staked delegated to account from others)
used: 3.66 Kb
available: 96.12 Tb
limit: 96.12 Tb
cpu bandwidth: (averaged over 3 days)
staked: 291582899.8560 SYS (total stake delegated from account to self)
delegated: 0.0000 SYS (total staked delegated to account from others)
used: 13.65 ms
available: 2800 hr
limit: 2800 hr
proxy: producer111a
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get currency balance eosio.token ${account_name}
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url get currency balance eosio.token useraaaaaaaa
10.0000 SYS
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url system newaccount ${creator_account} ${new_account_name} ${pubkey} --stake-net "${some_amount} SYS" --stake-cpu "${some_amount} SYS" --buy-ram "${some_amount} SYS"
Note on new account name:
must be exactly 12 characters and only contains the following symbols: .12345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:6666 --url system newaccount useraaaaaaaa trung1234512 EOS7CJJwBTeUyNBLYF8TWZWenFTXtTp1o1RjgjnHV9wGstiPitFdT --stake-net "2 SYS" --stake-cpu "2 SYS" --buy-ram "1 SYS"
1529285ms thread-0 main.cpp:426 create_action ] result: {"binargs":"608c31c6187315d6204221430436f5cd10270000000000000453595300000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"buyram","args":{"payer":"useraaaaaaaa","receiver":"trung1234512","quant":"1.0000 SYS"}}
1529287ms thread-0 main.cpp:426 create_action ] result: {"binargs":"608c31c6187315d6204221430436f5cd204e0000000000000453595300000000204e000000000000045359530000000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"delegatebw","args":{"from":"useraaaaaaaa","receiver":"trung1234512","stake_net_quantity":"2.0000 SYS","stake_cpu_quantity":"2.0000 SYS","transfer":false}}
executed transaction: 65aae773de68c389418304e864bd692b6efe6252c00a134592eabf730902ba3d 344 bytes 8505 us
# eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"useraaaaaaaa","name":"trung1234512","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS7CJJwBTeUy...
# eosio <= eosio::buyram {"payer":"useraaaaaaaa","receiver":"trung1234512","quant":"1.0000 SYS"}
# eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"0.9950 SYS","memo":"buy ram"}
# useraaaaaaaa <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"0.9950 SYS","memo":"buy ram"}
# eosio.ram <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"0.9950 SYS","memo":"buy ram"}
# eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.0050 SYS","memo":"ram fee"}
# useraaaaaaaa <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.0050 SYS","memo":"ram fee"}
# eosio.ramfee <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.0050 SYS","memo":"ram fee"}
# eosio <= eosio::delegatebw {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","receiver":"trung1234512","stake_net_quantity":"2.0000 SYS","stake_cpu_quanti...
# producer111a <= eosio::delegatebw {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","receiver":"trung1234512","stake_net_quantity":"2.0000 SYS","stake_cpu_quanti...
# eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"4.0000 SYS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
# useraaaaaaaa <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"4.0000 SYS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
# eosio.stake <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"useraaaaaaaa","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"4.0000 SYS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
Error 3010001: Invalid name
Name should be less than 13 characters and only contains the following symbols .12345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Error Details:
Name not properly normalized (name: trung6789123, normalized: trung....123)
Since you get this error message, you have system contract installed.
System contract allows you to create only one short (<12 characters) account name per 24 hours (highest bid).
If you want to create an account (without doing bidding) - the name should be exactly 12 characters long.