gpio is a device driver application for GPIO (General Purpose IO) written in erlang and C.
IO-pins are accessed either in a generic, Linux-based, way using control files or by direct memory acces.
Direct memory acces is currently implemented for the following processors:
- bcm 2835 (Raspberry Pi)
To build gpio you will need a working installation of Erlang R15B (or
Information on building and installing Erlang/OTP
can be found here
(more info).
gpio is built using rebar that can be found here, with building instructions here. rebar's dynamic configuration mechanism, described here, is used so the environment variable REBAR_DEPS
should be set to the directory where your erlang applications are located.
Clone the repository in a suitable location:
$ git clone git://
Rebar will compile all needed dependencies.
$ cd gpio
$ rebar compile
==> gpio (compile)
gpio is started in a standard erlang fashion:
$ erl
(node@host) 1> application:start(gpio).
The interface has the following functions for accessing a single pin:
- init
- init_direct
- release
- set
- get
- clr
- input
- output
- set_direction
- get_direction
- set_interrupt
- get_interrupt
The interface has the following functions for accessing several pins using a mask:
- set_mask
- get_mask
- clr_mask
An example on how to setup a gpio interrupt.
gpio:set_interrupt(25, falling),
{gpio_interrupt, 0, 25, Value} ->
io:format("pin 25, high to low\n")
Given that the gpio application is started with the following config in environment (raspberry pi mode):
{gpio, [{options, [{chipset,bcm2835}]}]}
Then we can do some fast gpio access
gpio:set_direction(24, low),
This code will init pin 24 in direct access mode, using io registers instead of the normal linux /sys/class/gpio file interface. Then set pin 24 in output mode that default to a low output value. After that the pin is set to high for 1010 ms and then set to low again. (This is the power-on sequence for a SIM900 GPRS module).
For details see the generated documentation.
gpio is documented using edoc. To generate the documentation do:
$ cd gpio
$ rebar doc
The result is a collection of html-documents under gpio/doc