(* marks required options)
java -jar TheGame.jar [options] Options:
* -file Name of the game configuration file
-parallel Run in parallel mode for faster execution Default: false
-cores Cores to use in parallel mode. Default is one less than available virtual cores Default: 11
-predict-win Decides whether the algorithm should try to predict the win of a player in its next turn. May speed up the analysis. Default: false
The config file should contain one line of the following pattern (players should be marked 'w'/'white' or 'b'/'black' (case insensitive)): <starting player>,<x-Dimension>,<y-Dimension>,<field data>
The field data is a comma-separated list of all field positions. A positions is marked either with '0' (empty), 'b' (black pawn) or 'w' (white pawn) (case insensitive). The black players target row is the row with the highest x index, the white players target row is the row with x = 0.
b b b b
b b b b
0 0 0 0
w w w w
w w w w