react-native-fast-storage is a drop in replacement for AsyncStorage
This library is the React Native implementation of
It provides very fast read and write access.
$ npm install react-native-fast-storage --save
$ react-native link react-native-fast-storage
Additional IOS step
If you encounter this error :
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked framework 'MMKV'
You need to manually follow these steps :
- Open up your project in Xcode
- Select the main target (under "Targets"),
- Go to the "Build Settings" tab, and find the "Framework Search Paths" section.
- Add
(non-recursive) for each of your configurations (e.g. Debug and Release). - Find the MMKV.framework file in ../node_modules/react-native-fast-storage/ios and drag it into Xcode under the "Frameworks" section. In the dialog that pops up, uncheck "Copy items if needed", choose "Create groups", and ensure your main target is checked under "Add to targets".
- In Xcode, select the project, then select the main target (under "Targets"), then go to the "General" tab and find the "Embedded Binaries" section. Click the "+" icon and select MMKV.framework which appears under "Frameworks" then click "Add".
- In Xcode do "Product" -> "Clean".
import FastStorage from "react-native-fast-storage";
await FastStorage.setItem("key", "Coucou toi");
const item = await FastStorage.getItem("key");
All methods are asynchronous, just like AsyncStorage.
Prop | Params | Returns | Description |
setItem | key , value |
value |
Allows to set an item |
getItem | key |
value |
Retrieve the item |
removeItem | key |
null | Remove an item from the store |
clearStore | none | null | Clear the entire store |
multiGet | Array<key > |
Array<Array<key , value >> |
Retrieve multiples item |
multiGet | Array<Array<key , value >> |
null | Set multiples items |
multiRemove | Array<key > |
null | Remove multiples items from the store |
Get multiple values at once.
static multiGet(keys: Array<string>): Promise<Array<Array<string, string>>>
const values = await FastStorage.multiGet(['test', 'key'])
console.log(values) // [['test', 'testValue'], ['key', 'keyValue']]
Set multiple values at once.
static multiSet(keys: Array<Array<string, string>>): Promise<void>
await FastStorage.multiSet([['test', 'testValue'], ['key', 'keyValue']])
Remove multiples values at once.
static multiRemove(keys: Array<string>): Promise<void>
await FastStorage.multiRemove(['test', 'key'])