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Welcome to the GitHub repository of the Multiple Vessels Simulation environment. This repository consists of the source code and documentation of this project. This project is designed as a ROS package for the VRX-classic simulation environment.

This project has been developed to test and verify motion planning algorithms for unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) under realistic scenarios where multiple vessels travel around as they do in the real world. Once a planning algorithm is developed for USVs, it is crucial to test it under scenarios that closely resemble real-world conditions, including environmental disturbances and real marine traffic. To achieve this goal, we present an open-source Virtual RobotX-based simulation environment that allows researchers to add an arbitrary number of vessels and manually define their routes, or automatically generate them from AIS data. Each vessel is equipped with global and local motion controllers complying with COLREGs.

Table of Contents

How to Install and Run the Project

In this section, we describe how to install and run this project.

Recommended Software Setup

The recommended software setup for using this project is below:

  • Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 Focal (64-bit)
  • Gazebo 11.6.0+
  • ROS Noetic


Because of the accurately modeled vessel and sea surface dynamics including environmental disturbances such as waves, water current and winds, we built this project as a ROS package for the VRX Simulation environment.
For the tutorials about installing the VRX Classic, please refer to here.
After downloading the VRX classic, it is recommended to edit the .bashrc file to include source command to the vrx_ws workspace. You can open a terminal and enter the command below to open the .bashrc file in your Ubuntu:

gedit ~/.bashrc

At the end of the .bashrc file, please open a new line by pressing enter and enter the command below and save the file by CTRL+S or save button at the top right of the gedit window:

source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash

By adding this command, you don't need to source the workspace for every new terminal window.

To install all the dependencies of this project, please enter the commands below:

pip install matplotlib
pip install basemap
pip install geopy
pip install transforms3d
sudo apt install ros-noetic-hector-gazebo-plugins
sudo apt-get install wmctrl

Installation of Multiple Vessels package

After the VRX Classic and all the necessary depencencies are installed, you can install the Multiple Vessels package in this repository by following the steps below:

  • Download the multiple_vessels file from this repository in the workspace that VRX Classic is installed. After you open a terminal, enter these commands below:
cd ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx
git clone

Upon downloading the package, use catkin_make to build the software

cd ~/vrx_ws

Launching the Multiple Vessels Simulation Environment

In order to run the simulation with multiple vessels, you can go to the scripts directory of the package and run the python script.

cd ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx/multiple_vessels/scripts

Upon entering this command, the script should initiate the process of starting the simulation environment with default AIS data. The default AIS data consist of 4 vessels.

Running the Multiple Vessels ROS Nodes

From the simulation_config.json file in the json_files directory of the package, you can set which ROS nodes to start automatically upon launching the simulation environment. In default settings, ROS nodes doesn't start running upon launching the simulation environment. In order to start the ROS nodes with one command, you can use python script. Every Multiple Vessels ROS node is started in a new tab and in the correct order by this python script. You can change which ROS nodes to start with the python script from simulation_config.json file in the json_files directory.

If you want to manually start the ROS nodes, you can open new terminal windows and enter these commands in the given order below:


Detailed Information about the Project

In this section, we describe how the ROS nodes, launch files, scripts etc. are designed and work. The simplified block diagram of the developed Gazebo-ROS infrastructure is shown below.


Multiple Vessels ROS Nodes

In this section, we describe every Multiple Vessels as a ROS node. These ROS nodes are designed to tackle navigation for vessels.

Global Path Planner Node

Global paths for the vessels are set to ROS parameters under the name of /VesselX/Global_Trajectory by this ROS node. Also, indexes of the last reached global waypoints are stored by the /VesselX/Last_Reached_Global_Wp ROS parameters. This ROS node doesn't update the /VesselX/Last_Reached_Global_Wp ROS parameters. Instead, Trajectory Tracker Node is used to track both local and global paths.

Perception Module

Perception module is designed as two ROS nodes. First ROS node of the Perception Module is Perception Pose Aggregator Node subscribes to every vessels GPS and AHRS sensor and combines the pose information into two ROS topics named /Simulation/GPS_List and /Simulation/IMU_List. Perception Detect Vessels in Sensing Range Node subcscribes to these two ROS topics and generates the /VesselX/Perception ROS topics. These topics emulate perception for vessels by declaring which vessels are inside a vessel's perception range. Perception range parameter can be set from the config.json file.

Ship Domain Node

To determine vessel encounters, we utilized a circular ship domain. The coefficients for calculating the radius of the ship domain can be assigned from the simulation’s configurations file. The Ship domain ROS node performs two processes in each iteration. Firstly, it calculates which vessels within the perception range of the vessel (from /VesselX/Perception ROS topic of the vessel) are inside the vessel’s ship domain. Secondly, it publishes information about these vessels to the ship domain ROS topic of the vessel named /VesselX/Vessels_In_Ship_Domain.

Switch Mechanism Node

This ROS node controls the switching between the local path planner and the global path planner by changing the value of the /VesselX/Is_On_Global_Path ROS topic. If this ROS topic is set to 0, it means that the vessel is on a local path. If the ROS topic is set to 1, it means that the vessel is on a global path. If the ROS node is set to 2, it means that the Local Path Planner ROS node is currently generating a local path.

Local Path Planner Node

The Local Path Planner ROS node is designed to implement COLREGs-Compliant motion planning when an encounter happens. To implement a vessel motion planning that complies with COLREGs, the RRT path planning algorithm is chosen. During tracking of the global path or local path, the local path planner stays on standby. When the Switch Mechanism ROS node activates the local path planner to generate a new path, it generates the virtual obstacles for other vessels inside the local path planning bounding box. The RRT algorithm is executed to find the COLREGs-compliant path for the encounter situation, and it is published to the vessel n/local path ROS topic. The Trajectory Tracker ROS node can then make the vessel controller track the local path and the Switch Mechanism ROS node can check for interference to the local path by other vessels.

TODO: Include the pictures of virtual obstacles in here.

Trajectory Tracker Node

The Trajectory Tracker ROS node is responsible for determining the current waypoint that a vessel should navigate to. It takes the /VesselX/Global_Trajectory, /VesselX/Last_Reached_Global_Wp , /VesselX/Local_Path and /VesselX/Is_On_Global_Path ROS topics as input. The output of this node is /VesselX/Current_Waypoint ROS topic, which is used by the Pure Pursuit Controller ROS node to generate the actuator signals.

Pure Pursuit Controller Node

Controller ROS node is designed to make the vessels navigate towards the current waypoint. Pure Pursuit algorithm is utilized to control the thruster angles in this ROS node. Thruster commands are set to a static value defined in config.json file. With this approach, we achieved to navigate the vessels in a stable way without oscillations.

Logger Node

In order to visualize and log the simulation runs, we designed a Logger Node. This node uses matplotlib and matplotlib's animation library to visualize the vessel poses, trails of vessels, local and global paths in real time. Also, this node stores the position information in a CSV file similar to the AIS data. The name of this file is logged_sim_data.csv in the simulation_log_files directory of the package.

JSON Files

JSON files that are responsible for configurations of the simulation and global waypoints for vessels and user defined vessels are apparent.

  • config.json file contains the configurations for the simulation, Multiple Vessel ROS nodes and logger node.
  • config_user_defined_vessels.json contains the configurations for User Defined Vessels and their ROS nodes.
  • Json_Global_Waypoints.json contains the global waypoints for each vessel that are gathered from real world AIS data. Also, this file contains information about the simulation world such as coordinates of the origin point ,top right point and bottom left point of the map. The time interval of the gathered AIS data is also given with time_start and time_end values.
  • Global_Waypoints_userDefinedVessels.json consists of the waypoints for user defined vessels. If user defined vessels don't utilize the global waypoints in their approach, this file only contains the spawning positions for every vessel.

Launch Files and Scripts

We designed the simulation environment to launch by Python script. This script :

  • Sets the ROS parameters about vessel details. These details are based on AIS data provided by Json_Global_Waypoints.json.
  • Sets the simulation world details such as the top right and bottom left points' coordinates and size of the water surface.
  • Sets the ROS parameters about the ROS nodes. These parameters are provided to this script from the config.json file.
  • Calls the Python script to spawn the vessels.

The `` Python Script: * Re-writes the `vessels.launch` file based on the initial positions of the vessels provided by `Json_Global_Waypoints.json` file. Also, enabled sensors are written to `vessels.launch` file for each vessel.
After the `vessels.launch` file is generated based on `Json_Global_Waypoints.json` file, `vrx_multivessel_parametric.launch` is launched by `` Python script.
`vrx_multivessel_parametric.launch` Launch file launches the simulation world and calls `vessels.launch` Launch file to spawn vessels. `vessels.launch` spawns vessels by calling `one_vessel.launch` with arguments.

World Files

As described in the Launch Files and Scripts section, simulation world named is generated by based on the map information provided by Json_Global_Waypoints.json file. In this world file, coordinates of the origin of the map and size of the map are stored.


We defined custom message types such as Perception.msg, VesselDetails.msg and VesselPose.msg under the name of multivessel_msgs. These messages are used by the Multiple Vessels ROS nodes to communicate the vessel pose and details. ROS topics under the name of /VesselX/Perception and /VesselX/Vessels_In_Ship_Domain are being published to with Perception.msg message type.


In order to spawn vessels inside the simulation world, vessel_gazebo.urdf.xacro file is used. We used the unmanned surface vehicles called WAM-V for modelling the vessels in the simulation. Depending on the parameters

User Defined Vessels

User Defined Vessels are designed to be controlled by the motion planning algorithms developed by user. These vessels are not controlled by Multiple Vessel ROS nodes that are mentioned in the sections above. Instead, these vessels have their own ROS nodes. In default, user_defined_perception, user_defined_switch_mechanism, user_defined_local_path_planner_RRT, user_defined_global_path_planner_node, user_defined_controller_purePursuit ROS nodes are available in the nodes/user_defined_vessel_nodes directory of the package. Settings and parameters for user defined vessels are set by config_user_defined.json file. Global paths can be set for user defined vessels by Global_Waypoints_userDefinedVessels.json file. If the motion planning approach for user defined vessels doesn't employ global paths, Global_Waypoints_userDefinedVessels.json file is only used for setting spawning positions for User Defined Vessels.

Block Diagram of the ROS Infrastructure

The detailed block diagram of the developed ROS infrastructure is shown below. In this block diagram, ROS topics are depicted in blue, and ROS parameters are depicted in green. The ROS nodes are represented as white squares with black borders. In certain ROS topics and parameters, three dots indicate that they are parametrically generated for every vessel in the simulation environment.



For the detailed descriptions of the algorithms used in this project, please refer to our publication. Also, if you use the Multiple Vessels simulation in your work, please cite our publication, COLREG-Compliant Simulation Environment for Verifying USV Motion Planning Algorithms:

  Title                    = {COLREG-Compliant Simulation Environment for Verifying USV Motion Planning Algorithms},
  Author                   = {Mustafa Bayrak and Haluk Bayram},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference},
  Year                     = {2023},
  Address                  = {Limerick, IE},
  Month                    = {June}