Extension created to display the FFS ranking during the streams.
Use VueJs
- Extension matching the Twitch requirements
- Getting data from FFS server
- Ranking pages
- Little design to visualize the first data preview
- Panel view
- Design
- Mobile view
See the Twitch extension getting started
You will need:
cd certs
# Requires a sudo password so that the cert can be installed on the root keychain
# If this install fails, see the README in ./certs for manual override.
npm run generator
docker-compose up --build
[env] is the targeted environment. Default is production
npm run build
npm run build [env]
npm run build production
You can find generated files on the dist/ folder.
Compress these files as a .zip file and upload it to your Twitch extension.
Based on Breci's VueJS Extension Boilerplate