Grafisk Plattform för FindOuts modell-appar (for Vue.js)
If you want to git clone this project and run a premade Grapla-Vue test project, check README in the /src folder
The following is for using Grapla-Vue as a github dependency in your own project
In your package.json file
"dependencies": {
"grapla-vue": ""
Then run the command:
npm install grapla-vue
ES6 with vue-loader:
import grapla from 'grapla-vue'
export default {
components: {
methods: {
var grapla = require("grapla-vue");
Supports data-driven creation of elements as well as slots
Example JSON:
data: {
nodes: [
id: 0, # all nodes need unique ids if relationships use ids
text: 'element text', # optional text in elements
type: 'Box', # type is necessary when using the dynamicComponent
x: 400, # when using the coordinatesLayout
y: 100, # when using the coordinatesLayout
width: 200, # when using the coordinatesLayout
height: 100, # when using the coordinatesLayout
children: [ # for nested elements
id: 1,
type: 'Ball',
id: 2,
type: 'Ball',
id: 3,
type: 'Ball',
x: 200,
y: 300,
width: 100,
height: 100,
relationships: [
from: 1, # will draw a line between two elements based on id
to: 2, # will draw a line between two elements based on id
from: 0,
to: 3,
path: 'M200 420,C80 420,80 130,250 130' # will draw a finished path based on string
Example HTML:
# main grapla component
# flexWrapLayout component for positioning child elements according to flex-wrap flow
<flex-wrap-layout slot="layout">
# v-for looping out nodes as boxes based on data array
v-for="node in data.nodes"
# v-for looping out child nodes as balls based on children array
v-for="childNode in node.children"
# v-for looping out relationships based on data array
v-for="(relationship, index) in data.relationships"
# main grapla component
# flexWrapLayout component for positioning child elements according to flex-wrap flow
<flex-wrap-layout slot="layout">
# v-for looping out nodes based on data array
# dynamicComponent will create element based on type variable, like 'Box' or 'Ball'
v-for="node in data.nodes"
# if the node is a box, it will generate child components based on it's children array
# the ball component cannot have child components
# v-for looping out relationships based on data array
v-for="(relationship, index) in data.relationships"
# main grapla component
# coordinatesLayout component for absolute positioning child elements
# set x y width and height on child elements
<coordinates-layout :data="{width: 900, height: 600}" slot="layout">
<box :data="{id: 99, text: 'test', x: 300, y: 400, width: 200, height: 100}"></box>
<ball :data="{id: 100, x: 700, y: 300, width: 150, height: 150}"></ball>
<box :data="{id: 101, text: 'test test', x: 300, y: 150, width: 100, height: 200}">
# ball component inside box component
<ball :data="{id: 102}"></ball>
# relationship components that draw a line between two elements based on ids
<relationship :data="{ from: 99, to: 100 }" slot="rels"></relationship>
<relationship :data="{ from: 100, to: 102 }" slot="rels"></relationship>
# relationship component can also take a finished svg path d string
<relationship :data="{ path: 'M200 400,C100 400,100 150,250 150' }" slot="rels"></relationship>
Make sure to set 'slot' attribute on layout and relationship components for grapla to know how to use the component
# main grapla component
# layout components use slot 'layout'
<flex-wrap-layout slot="layout">
<box :data="{id: 0, text: 'a box'}">
<ball :data="{id: 1}"></ball>
<box :data="{id: 2, text: 'another box'}"></box>
# relationship components use slot 'rels'
<relationship :data="{ from: 0, to: 2 }" slot="rels"></relationship>
You can use your own custom components as nodes instead of Grapla's own Box and Ball components. If you do that, here are some requirements for it to work:
- If you're using relationship components with 'from' and 'to' properties, your custom component needs to have these values applied to them as a CSS class. For example, if you have a relationship with 'from' value 'AMP-7' and 'to' value 'AMP-11', two of the custom components you're using as nodes need to have the CSS classes 'AMP-7' and 'AMP-11' respectively, or else the relationship component won't know which elements to draw the relationship between.
# main grapla component
<custom-component :data="{id: 0}"></custom-component>
<custom-component :data="{id: 1}"></custom-component>
<relationship :data="{ from: 0, to: 1 }" slot="rels"></relationship>
# custom component
<div :class="">
# my custom component
export default {
props: {
data: Object