requires Node.js
install the node modules with npm install
install sqlite3 cli tools:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
create and populate the chinook database included:
sqlite3 --batch database.sqlite3 ".read chinook-db-creation/Chinook_Sqlite.sql"
to run the server npm start
and navigate to localhost:3000 in a browser
- /artists - a list of all the available Artists and the number of Albums they have
- /artists/:id - artist info including a list of albums and the number of tracks on each one
- /albums - a list of all the available Albums, their Artist and number of tracks on each
- /albums/:id - album info including details of artist and a list of tracks
- /tracks - lists all the tracks
- /tracks/:id - track info with artist, album and duration info, and which playlists it is part of
- /playlists - a list of all the saved playlists, and number of tracks on each
- /playlists/:id - playlist info, name, number of tracks, list of tracks with names, albums and artists