Releases: Fitoussi/geo-my-wp
Releases · Fitoussi/geo-my-wp
- Fix: Load textdomain during
to prevent PHP warnings.
- Tweak: Enhance the scroll-to-element feature of the map marker for improved user experience.
- Tweak: Add a short delay to map initialization to ensure Google Maps fully loads, preventing potential errors.
- Tweak: Add 'parent' argument to taxonomy settings for modifying taxonomy hierarchies.
- Tweak: Clear default address fields before geocoding a new location to prevent previous address data from persisting.
- Filter: Introduce
filter to customize taxonomy term arguments before output in search forms.
- Security: verify nonce and user authorization during the gmw_get_field_options() ajax call.
- Security: sanitize, verify, and escape various functions.
- Enhancement: improve the map script loader. Make sure that Google Maps library was loaded first to prevent JavaScript errors.
- Fix: incorrect path when loading deprecated custom search results template files.
- Tweak: enhance code that checked if image exists using the function wp_get_attachment_image_src().
- Tweak: changed the location of the filter 'gmw_get_image_element_args' to allow better filtering of the image attributes.
- Tweak: enhance the 'gmw_get_field_options' ajax JS function.
- Security: Security patch.
- Fix: change the Get Directions link from HTTP to HTTPS.
- Fix: the output of the posts' address in the list of posts page of the admin's dashboard.
- Fix: Search form filters no showing properly within the Modal Box on mobile view.
- Tweak: code enhancement.
- Fix: PHP warnings.
- Fix: AJAX info window content isn't loading for AJAX forms.
- Tweak: add a short delay to the location form initiate function to allow the main script of GEO my WP and Google maps to load first and prevent JavaScript errors.
- Some premium extension requires an update to their latest version.
- Upload missing files ( transfer-locations.php and plugins updater files ).
- Remove unused code.
- Security: fix security vulnerability detected by the WordPress team.
- Security: various security/escaping enhancements.
- Fix: improve how the plugin collect the map and geocoding providers to prevent PHP warning on initial activation of the plugin.
- Fix: geolocation details are not always appended to the list of results in the BuddyPress Directory pages.
- Fix: various PHP warnings.
- Fix: add a short delay to the mapInit() function in the BuddyPress Directory pages to allow the main script of GEO my WP to load first and prevent JS errors.
- Enhancement: enhance the map icons uploader. User wp_handle_upload() instead of move_uploaded_file().
- Enhancement: move the content of the file gmw-posts-locator-ajax-info-window-laoder.php to a function gmw_pt_ajax_info_window_loader();
- Enhancement: move the content of the file gmw-members-locator-ajax-info-window-laoder.php to a function gmw_fl_ajax_info_window_loader();.
- Enhancement: enhance the DB query of the forms table.
- Tweak: Remove the updater file from GEO my WP core plugin.
- Tweak: extend the JS file of the BuddyPress Directory pages so it can work with other objects.
- Tweak: new css_class argument added to the get_map_element() function to allow adding additional classes to the map wrapper element.
- Tweak: remove the use of deprecated second argument in get_terms().
- Tweak: temporary delete files not being used. Will be uploaded when ready.
- Tweak: enhance GMW_Forms_Table class.
- Tweak: check if some classes exists before calling them to prevent PHP errors.
- Tweak: check if the file class-gmw-plugins-updater.php exists before including it.
- Tweak: check that the class GMW_License_Key exists before executing it.
- Tweak: default value for minimizing settings in settings pages and form editor is now set to 0.
- Tweak: add geocode_address method to the GMW_BuddyPress_Directory_Geolocation class.
- Tweak: enhance how the "No results" message in the BuddyPress Directory pages is being generated.
- Fix: error when exporting user privacy data.
- Fix: distance value from the page load results form settings overrides the default value of the form submission settings.
- Fix: getting incorrect blog ID when in multisite installation.
- Fix: various PHP warnings.
- Tweak: replace deprecated function.
- Fix: issue with Reset Form button doesn't clear the coordinates and other hidden fields in the form.
- Fix: incorrect output of PeepSo profile field ( user_meta ) in the search results ( for select-box field ).
- Tweak: temporary disable caching of the form object as it causes issues on some sites that have object cache enabled.
- Tweak: verify that form's data exists and valid when retrieving it from the database to prevent PHP errors/notices.
- Tweak: rename the function initMaps() to gmwInitMaps() to better identify with GEO my WP.
- Function: function 'gmw_wp_parse_args_recursive' to merge two arrays or objects that can be recursive and return an array.
- Function: GMW_Form_Settings_Helper::get_gforms_forms() to retrieve all of Gravity forms.
- Enhancement: Keywords search box can now also search post custom fields ( in addition to post content and excerpt ) ( requires the Premium Settings extension ).
- Enhancement: the map in the Location form of GEO my WP now uses the Advanced Markers library of Google Maps API ( unless disabled in the Settings page ).
- Enhancement: the methods ::get_custom_field() and ::get_custom_fields() moved from the Premium Settings extension to the core plugin so they can be used without the Premium Settings extension and with other extensions.
- Enhancement: ( for future release ) use the placeholder {gforms_field_options} to populate Gravity Forms field options ( checkboxes, select-boxes, etc ) in the Gravity Forms search form ( to be used with the Gravity Forms Entries Locator extension ).
- Enhancement: ( for future release ) extend the function gmw_get_meta_field_value() to output Gravity Forms entry meta.
- Enhancement: new method GMW_Admin::dequeue_scripts() with high priority to dequeue/deregister select2 enqueued by other plugin/themes in GEO my WP admin pages.
- Enhancement: generate maps that are generated during an AJAX call. For example, map of the Single Location shortcode that is placed inside an info-window that is loaded via AJAX.
- Enhancement: move the function gmw_get_search_form_custom_fields() from the Premium Settings ( v3.1 ) to GEO my WP core plugin to allow other extensions to make use of the functions.
- Tweak: use the "mapId" map option only when using the Advanced Markers library to allow some features like map styling still work when using the legacy markers.
- Tweak: do not hide admin "updated" notices when hiding notices in GEO my WP's admin pages.
- Tweak: new filter to disable license verification.
- Tweak: new CSS class ".gmw-is-hidden" to hide GEO my WP's elements when needed.
- Tweak: new function that gets the extensions data from remote server and local extensions merged.
- Tweak: move the function gmw_get_search_form_custom_field() from the Premium Settings extension to GEO my WP core plugin.
- Tweak: when Submit button label is omitted hide the Submit button via CSS rather than completely removing it from the form which prevents the form from getting submitted.
- Tweak: add short delay to and gmw.core JavaScript files to allow Google Maps library to first fully load to prevent JS errors.
- Tweak: load the Single Location classes during AJAX calls as well.
- Tweak: make search results responsive on mobile even when settings specific number of columns in the form editor.
- Tweak: load the smartbox library for select-box fields in the core plugin ( rather than the Premium Settings extension ) to allow other extensions to use it as well.
- Tweak: replace deprecated function bp_get_group_permalink() with bp_get_group_url().
- Tweak: remove the default value for the word count option of the Post Excerpt settings of the form editor to allow users to leave it blank in order to display the full content.
- Tweak: verify that $map_id is a string to prevent JavaScritp errors with Google Maps API.
- Tweak: add back the missing date/birthdate xprofile field query for BP Members Locator form.
- Tweak: new filter 'gmw_results_meta_field_value' to modify the output of a meta field in the search results.
- Tweak: new filter 'gmw_fl_member_location_tab_enabled' to disable the Location tab in BuddyPress Member Profile page.
- Tweak: new 'image_size' argument for the gmw_get_post_featured_image() to determine the image size that will be pulled from the database. default value is 'full' and can be modified using the filter 'gmw_get_post_featured_image_args'.
- Tweak: remove the 4th argument from a remove_action function ( does not exists in remove_action ).
- Enhancement: enhance the GMW_Form_Settings_Helper::get_gforms_fields() function.
- Tweak: Update admin's stylesheet.
- Tweak: Main Access Pass license key activation feature is disabled for now.
- Tweak: set the current_tab of the form editor to 'general_settings' by default if is not set.