There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I use alacritty.
I use Victor Mono with the additional nerd font glyphs. I prefer the oblique italics mode over the cursive.
I use the base16 tomorrow night eighties theme for alacritty.
I use starship to render my prompt, although my zshrc will gracefully fall back to my old oh-my-zsh theme if starship is not available.
I use oh my zsh, with a pretty tiny .zshrc. My config includes:
- my own theme file: justinf.zsh-theme, installed to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
- The auto suggestions plugin.
Install alacritty, victor mono, and starship as appropriate for your platform.
Then execute these commands to clone the repos and link the config files into place.
mkdir -p ~/docs/
cd ~/docs
git clone
cd term
git clone
ln -s ~/docs/term/alacritty.yml ~/.alacritty.yml
ln -s ~/docs/term/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml
My zshrc aliases several improved cli utilities if they're found in the path:
, which replacesls
- ripgrep (
), which replacesgrep
, which replacesfind
, which replacesless
- bottom (
), which replacestop
- fzf, which doesn't replace anything, it's just an arbitrary fuzzy finder. I have supplied some aliases in my zshrc, notably
, which can be used to change directory to a subdirectory via fuzzy matching.
Many of these utilities can be installed with brew
or cargo
but you're on your own for finding a way to get them for your platform.